The West Indies
First Published in 1968, The West Indies is the history of Federation in the British West Indies since 1920’s, in itself a fascinating story full of strong and colorful personalities; at the same time, it offers an incisive analysis of the reasons why Federations have proved so unstable in the post war world. It is unusual to have the story from a man who was both without any narrow allegiance and at the centre of events from 1952 up to the very end. Sir John Mordecai was in daily contact throughout with the leading figures and the crisis surrounding them. He served as Secretary General of the West Indies Regional Economic Committee which prepared the organic structure for political union and as Federal Secretary and chief official when parliamentary government and the Council of Ministers took control in 1958. His work brings into focus the local agitation after two world wars, the great island leaders who strode the scene as apostles of Federation, the years of strenuous negotiations and compromise leading to the creation of the Federation in 1958, the events culminating in its collapse after four fractious years, and finally, the bleak predicament in which the islands and their leaders found themselves when the dream of generations lay shattered. This exciting book is a must read for anyone interested in the history of the West Indies.