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At Risk
At Risk
Jennifer Griffiths's At Risk: Black Youth and the Creative Imperative in the Post–Civil Rights Era focuses on literary representations of adolescent artists as they develop strategies to intervene against the stereotypes that threaten to limit their horizons. The authors of the analyzed works capture and convey the complex experience of the generation of young people growing up in the era after the civil rights movement. Through creative experiments, they carefully consider what it means to be narrowed within the scope of a sociological “problem,” all while trying to expand the perspective of creative liberation. In short, they explore what it means to be deemed an “at risk” youth. This book looks at crucial works beginning in 1968, ranging from Sapphire’s Push and The Kid, Walter Dean Myers’s Monster, and Dael Orlandersmith’s The Gimmick, to Bill Gunn’s Johnnas. Each text offers unique representations of Black gifted children, whose creative processes help them to navigate simultaneous hypervisibility and invisibility as racialized subjects. The book addresses the ways that adolescents experience the perilous “at risk” label, which threatens to narrow adolescent existence at a developmental moment that requires an orientation toward possibility and a freedom to experiment. Ultimately, At Risk considers the distinct possibilities and challenges of the post–civil rights era, and how the period allows for a more honest, multilayered, and forthright depiction of Black youth subjectivity against the adultification that forecloses potential.
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Joys Of Aging
Joys Of Aging
Sub-title - Anthology/Compilation of Beautiful Poems based on Different Ages Description - This great English Poetry Anthology contains the Most Famous Poems from different writers around the globe. Dating from different periods, from different regions. These famous poems remain Masterpieces of English Literature and continue to inspire, motivate and influence people all over the world. This poetry compilation comes in the size of 5.5x8.5 inches and is perfect as a gift for poetry lovers, literature students, and teachers or to complete your own book collection. These poems are excerpts of the book's content: A Faded Rose Glory - by Shani Naeema Life Keeps Going - by Jennifer Ayala PIVOT POINT - by Alan David Pritchard ROCK PAPER SCISSORS - by Ana Delgadillo SONNET OF TIME - by Lynn Portillo Authors are from mentioned countries: United States Canada United Kingdom Ireland Japan Czech Republic About this book: Layout: Compilation of poems themed around age Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 Inches Page Count: 108 Pages Page Quality: 90 GSM, acid-free paper Cover: Premium matte cover Binding: Paperback, Strong So what are you waiting for, grab your copy now and dive into the world of poetic delusion
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Finding Forever - Surprise at Sunrise
Finding Forever - Surprise at Sunrise
The Doctor’s Bride By Sunrise - Josie Metcalfe Adam Donnelly has arrived at the Penhally Bay practice hoping to see more of his childhood sweetheart, paramedic Maggie Pascoe. Adam knows he’s got a lot of explaining to do if he wants Maggie for his bride, but before they can even hope to resolve their past, the present intervenes in a dramatic way… Some children have tumbled into in an old Cornish mine, and in the rescue attempt Maggie became trapped herself! The only one who can save her is the man who once broke her heart. Now Adam has a final chance, and only a few short hours, to show Maggie that he’s always loved her more than any other. The Surgeon’s Fatherhood Surprise - Jennifer Taylor Renowned plastic surgeon and one of London’s most eligible bachelors, Jack Tremayne lives the VIP life — he works hard and plays hard! But Jack’s world is turned upside down when he learns that he is the single father of a three-year-old boy. Jack returns to his Cornish hometown with little Freddie, where he finds his life inextricably tangled with that of single mum practice nurse Alison Myers. Alison might just be the answer to Jack’s prayers — she’s fantastic with Freddie…and has captured Jack’s heart! Soon he begins to wonder if family life might just suit him after all. The Doctor’s Royal Love-Child - Kate Hardy Dedicated vet Melinda Fortesque has a secret. One she’s kept from gorgeous doctor Dragan Lovak even though she’s given him her heart. Now her duty is calling her, and she knows she must tell him the truth about who she really is. It’s enough of a shock for Dragan to learn that the woman he trusted and fell in love with is royalty! And that HRH Melinda has been called back to her country to take the throne. But now he’s learned that she’s carrying his child, how can he possibly let her go?
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On a Great Battlefield
On a Great Battlefield
Of the more than seventy sites associated with the Civil War era that the National Park Service manages, none hold more national appeal and recognition than Gettysburg National Military Park. Welcoming more than one million visitors annually from across the nation and around the world, the National Park Service at Gettysburg holds the enormous responsibility of preserving the war’s “hallowed ground” and educating the public, not only on the battle, but also about the Civil War as the nation’s defining moment. Although historians and enthusiasts continually add to the shelves of Gettysburg scholarship, they have paid only minimal attention to the battlefield itself and the process of preserving, interpreting, and remembering the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. In On a Great Battlefield, Jennifer M. Murray provides a critical perspective to Gettysburg historiography by offering an in-depth exploration of the national military park and how the Gettysburg battlefield has evolved since the National Park Service acquired the site in August 1933. As Murray reveals, the history of the Gettysburg battlefield underscores the complexity of preserving and interpreting a historic landscape. After a short overview of early efforts to preserve the battlefield by the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association (1864–1895) and the United States War Department (1895–1933), Murray chronicles the administration of the National Park Service and the multitude of external factors—including the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II, the Civil War Centennial, and recent sesquicentennial celebrations—that influenced operations and molded Americans’ understanding of the battle and its history. Haphazard landscape practices, promotion of tourism, encouragement of recreational pursuits, ill-defined policies of preserving cultural resources, and the inevitable turnover of administrators guided by very different preservation values regularly influenced the direction of the park and the presentation of the Civil War’s popular memory. By highlighting the complicated nexus between preservation, tourism, popular culture, interpretation, and memory, On a Great Battlefield provides a unique perspective on the Mecca of Civil War landscapes. Jennifer M. Murray, assistant professor of history at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, is the author of The Civil War Begins. Her articles have appeared in Civil War History, Civil War Times, and Civil War Times Illustrated.
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Au piège du doute - La révoltée d'Eagle Mountain
Au piège du doute - La révoltée d'Eagle Mountain
Au piège du doute, Jennifer D. Bokal Luttant contre la migraine, Petra tente de rassembler ses souvenirs. A-t-elle tué par accident Joe Owens, la star du football dont elle l’était l’agent ? Pourquoi a-t-elle été retrouvée, inconsciente, auprès du corps du sportif ? Hantée par le doute, elle ne trouve rien à opposer aux accusations de la police et, en désespoir de cause, se tourne vers un homme : Ian Wallace. Ian qu’elle a quitté trois ans auparavant mais qu’elle n’a jamais cessé d’aimer en dépit de leurs désaccords. Ian dont elle sait qu’il l’aidera à éclaircir cette sombre affaire... La révoltée d’Eagle Mountain, Cindi Myers Penché vers la femme qu’il vient d’arrêter dans sa course, Rob Allerton s’efforce d’ignorer son parfum fleuri et lui murmure : « Ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis là pour vous protéger... » Mais alors qu’elle relève la tête, il la reconnaît soudain : Paige Riddell ! Il ne l’a pas vue depuis deux ans, date à laquelle il a fait condamner son frère pour trafic de drogue et n’a jamais oublié la chevelure blonde et les yeux gris de cette ardente écologiste. Des yeux qui le fusillent à présent et semblent le sommer de quitter le territoire où il est venu enquêter, et où Paige, de toute évidence, se livre à des activités clandestines...
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La mémoire de la neige - Arrangement sous tension
La mémoire de la neige - Arrangement sous tension
La mémoire de la neige, Cindi Myers Enquête à Eagle Mountain tome 2 Quand la neige enfouit les secrets... Une ville paisible, un cadre de rêve... En arrivant à Eagle Mountain pour le mariage de Lacy, sa meilleure amie, Bette Fuller se dit que c’est l’endroit idéal pour un nouveau départ. Mais, à son grand désarroi, l’homme qui l’accueille au ranch de Lacy n’est autre que le shérif de la ville, Cody Rankin. Un flic très sexy, certes, mais avec qui elle va devoir garder ses distances pour préserver les secrets de son pass酠 Arrangement sous tension, Jennifer Morey En apprenant que son père, pour échapper à des créanciers véreux, s’est mis en tête de la voir épouser Decker Colton, héritier de la plus riche famille de la vallée, Kendall est anéantie. Car non seulement elle n’a gardé qu’un souvenir flou de Decker, le séduisant garçon qui était avec elle au lycée, mais, surtout, elle refuse de passer à ses yeux pour une intrigante, prête à tout pour sauver sa famille de la ruine...
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The Mistletoe Melody
The Mistletoe Melody
'Tis the season of forgiveness…but can she ever forget? Brad Monroe was truly unbelievable. Blowing back into Brookhollow for three days to film a Christmas special—three years after the accident that killed his best friend…her husband—and expecting Melody to be civil? Please. He'd been the only one who'd survived the tragedy, hightailing it to Nashville and hijacking her dream…Patrick's dream. She'd spent that time grieving, working three jobs, struggling to raise her boys and keep a roof over their heads. Now she was losing ground on all fronts, and not about to forgive and forget. Or give him the one thing that could save them all…
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Secret à haut risque - La disparue d'Eagle Mountain
Secret à haut risque - La disparue d'Eagle Mountain
Secret à haut risque, Jennifer Morey Qui est réellement Sadie Moreno ? C’est la question que se pose le détective Jasper Roesch tandis qu’il prend ses quartiers dans la luxueuse demeure de la jeune femme qui vient de l’engager comme garde du corps. Car, s’il est séduit par sa beauté, il n’en perd pas pour autant ses réflexes de policier, et son instinct lui souffle qu’elle a beaucoup de choses à cacher. Des secrets qu’il va découvrir peu à peu et qui n’ont rien pour le rassurer. En effet, Sadie se prénomme en réalité Catalina. Et, si elle vit sous une fausse identité, c’est pour échapper à son ex-mari, un truand qui la pourchasse depuis son divorce... La disparue d’Eagle Mountain, Cindi Myers Jamais Maya n’aurait imaginé que sa vie tranquille de professeur de lycée pourrait se transformer brutalement en cauchemar absolu... Appelée d’urgence dans la petite ville d’Eagle Mountain, elle est reçue par Gage Walker, un policier aussi séduisant que taciturne, qui lui apprend sans ménagement que les corps de sa sœur et de son beau-frère viennent d’être retrouvés dans la montagne. Et, tandis qu’elle tente de se remettre du choc provoqué par cette nouvelle, il lui assène le coup de grâce : Casey, sa nièce de cinq ans, a disparu, et il compte sur elle pour l’aider à la retrouver...
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The Mistletoe Melody (A Brookhollow Story, Book 4) (Mills & Boon Heartwarming)
The Mistletoe Melody (A Brookhollow Story, Book 4) (Mills & Boon Heartwarming)
'Tis the season of forgiveness...but can she ever forget?
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Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology
Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology
Today's church finds itself in a new world, one in which climate change and ecological degradation are front-page news. In the eyes of many, the evangelical community has been slow to take up a call to creation care. How do Christians address this issue in a faithful way? This evangelically centered but ecumenically informed introduction to ecological theology (ecotheology) explores the global dimensions of creation care, calling Christians to meet contemporary ecological challenges with courage and hope. The book provides a biblical, theological, ecological, and historical rationale for earthcare as well as specific practices to engage both individuals and churches. Drawing from a variety of Christian traditions, the book promotes a spirit of hospitality, civility, honesty, and partnership. It includes a foreword by Bill McKibben and an afterword by Matthew Sleeth.
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