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Margaret Storm Jameson
Margaret Storm Jameson
From her childhood in Whitby to her long old age in Cambridge, the life of Margaret Storm Jameson (1891-1986), novelist, autobiographer, and political activist, spanned almost the whole of the twentieth century. A self-styled Little Englander by nature, and European by nurture, equally at home, or out of place, in the North Yorkshire moors and seascape of her birth, metropolitan London, rural France, and the capitals of Central Europe, she wrote of country, cities and the exile from both with equal knowledge and sympathy. Out of the changing landscapes of her present, she fashioned her vision of the future. The title of her autobiography, Journey from the North, is a simultaneous evocation and erasure of nostalgia for lost commonality, and in her long life as writer and activist, President of wartime PEN (the association of Poets, Essayist, Novelists) committed to the values of freedom and social justice, she fought to reconcile the conflicting forms of emergent modernity. Her own journey is the generic experience of twentieth-century Britain, and the England she urges on her contemporaries is one that shares the life and mind of Europe. The present book traces the history of that shared experience. It recovers, through her writing, the aspirations and the disappointments of the generation of socialists that was Class 1914. The soldiers returning from the front in 1918, to unemployment and the General Strike of 1926, fight in 1940 alongside Frenchmen, and against Germans, who are victims of the same system: class conflict, nationalist rivalries, imperialist ambition, all for Jameson have the same defining economic horizon. At the end of the odyssey the stark alternatives take shape: Washington or Moscow, the madness of American capitalism, or the oppression of Stalinist Communism. Alongside the narrative of Jameson's life, and the experiences as daughter, wife, and mother that shaped her personality and her career, the book explores her concern with issues of culture and society, cultural memory, and cultural landscapes, her fascination with aesthetic form and the relation of writing to politics, her insight into the materiality of words, and her persistent probing of the nature of the writing subject. It draws on unpublished archive material and brings new research on neglected areas of cultural history into conjunction with literary-critical analyses of Jameson's novels and studies of her journalism and essays. There is an extensive Bibliography of her work.
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Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese Since World War II
Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese Since World War II
In June 1985, a symposium, "Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II" was held at the Australian National University in Canberra. This volume includes many of the papers from that symposium presented by ANU scholars and those from universities elsewhere in Australia, North America and Southeast Asia. Participants looked at the current thinking about the parameters of identity and shared their own research into the complex issues that overlapping categories of identity raise. Identity was chosen as the focus of the, symposium because perceptions of self - whether by others or by the individual Chinese concerned - appear to lie at the heart ' of the present-day Chinese experience in Southeast Asia, It is also evident that identity wears many guises and that we cannot talk about a single Chinese identity when identity can be determined by the different political, social, economic or religious circumstances an individual faces at any given time. One of the distinctive characteristics of all the essays in this volume is that they are written from an historical perspective. While the papers forcus on how recent developments in Southeast Asian society have shaped Chinese identity, they also discuss those changes in terms of the historical matrix from which they developed. Because many of the essays in this volume combine an historical overview with more recent statistical data, it should serve as a useful companion to the increasingly popular case studies in which much of the writing about the Chinese in Southeast Asia is now cast.
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Return of the Continuums
Return of the Continuums
Reaching the surface was just the beginning. As Myra Jackson and her friends set out to find the First Continuum, Captain Aero Wright and two companions from the outer space Second Continuum find themselves banished for treason and stranded on Earth. Wright has vowed to complete his late father’s mission to recolonize their ancestral planet, but his true mission is to find the mysterious girl who haunts his dreams. Meanwhile, Myra and the young refugees of the underwater Thirteenth Continuum must make an unlikely ally if they are going to survive the hostile surface world and reach their destination, the nexus of humanity’s hope for survival. As their paths begin to converge, the Beacons that guide and connect Myra and Aero begin to prove their power, and a shadowy force with a centuries-old grudge reveals itself.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Hidradenitis Suppurativa - EBook
A Comprehensive Guide to Hidradenitis Suppurativa - EBook
Despite being a relatively straightforward clinical diagnosis, recognition of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is highly variable, and clinical management is challenging and complex. Written by the world's leading experts in HS, A Comprehensive Guide to Hidradenitis Suppurativa brings together up-to-date scientific evidence on the diagnosis, patho-mechanisms, comorbidities, and multi-faceted medical and surgical interventions for this debilitating condition—in one convenient reference. - Covers every aspect of this complex skin disorder: etiology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, medical, alternative therapies, a range of surgical options, laser treatments, and comorbidities. - Discusses specific patient populations such as children, women of childbearing potential, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Because HS has higher prevalence in people of skin of color, this patient population is well-documented in the text. - Offers insights into multi-disciplinary care, patient support and education, patients at risk for rapid disease progression, and clinical and translational research. - Features procedural videos covering laser therapies, de-roofing procedures, excisions and closure techniques, cryoinsufflation techniques, and special wound care material selection and techniques. - Includes recent FDA-approved drugs as well as those drugs and therapies that show future promise. - Identifies evidence gaps that provide a springboard to the future innovations in HS care to come. - Edited and authored by global experts who have co-authored 2019 U.S. and Canadian guidelines on hidradenitis suppurativa.
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Being What You Want to See
Being What You Want to See
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Possibilities of Perception
Possibilities of Perception
Jennifer Church presents a new account of perception, which shows how imagining alternative perspectives and possibilities plays a key role in creating and validating experiences of self-evident objectivity. She explores the nature of moral perception and aesthetic perception, and argues that perception can be both literal and substantive.
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Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a baffling, troubling, and hard to treat phenomenon that has increased markedly in recent years. Key issues in diagnosing and treating NSSI adequately include differentiating it from attempted suicide and other mental disorders, as well as understanding the motivations for self-injury and the context in which it occurs. This accessible and practical book provides therapists and students with a clear understanding of these key issues, as well as of suitable assessment techniques. It then goes on to delineate research-informed treatment approaches for NSSI, with an emphasis on functional assessment, emotion regulation, and problem solving, including motivational interviewing, interpersonal skills, CBT, DBT, behavioral management strategies, delay behaviors, exercise, family therapy, risk management, and medication, as well as how to successfully combine methods.
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Early Modern Women in the Low Countries
Early Modern Women in the Low Countries
Combining historical, historiographical, museological, and touristic analysis, this study investigates how late medieval and early modern women of the Low Countries expressed themselves through texts, art, architecture and material objects, how they were represented by contemporaries, and how they have been interpreted in modern academic and popular contexts. Broomhall and Spinks analyse late medieval and early modern women's opportunities to narrate their experiences and ideas, as well as the processes that have shaped their representation in the heritage and cultural tourism of the Netherlands and Belgium today. The authors study female-authored objects such as familial and political letters, dolls' houses, account books; visual sources, funeral monuments, and buildings commissioned by female patrons; and further artworks as well as heritage sites, streetscapes, souvenirs and clothing with gendered historical resonances. Employing an innovative range of materials from written sources to artworks, material objects, heritage sites and urban precincts, the authors argue that interpretations of late medieval and early modern women's experiences by historians and art scholars interact with presentations by cultural and heritage tourism providers in significant ways that deserve closer interrogation by feminist researchers.
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Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94
Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1993/94
This book represents the fourth edition of what has become an established reference work, MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE Guide to the FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA. This volume has been carefully researched and updated since publication of the previous arrangement of the book edition, and provides more company data on the most important companies in the region. The information in the This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader to book was submitted mostly by the companies themselves, find any entry rapidly and accurately. completely free of charge. For the second time, a third volume has been added to the series, covering major companies in Company entries are listed alphabetically within each section; Australia and New Zealand. in addition three indexes are provided on coloured paper at the back of the book. The companies listed have been selected on the grounds of the size of their sales volume or balance sheet or their The alphabetical index to companies throughout Australia & importance to the business environment of the country in New Zealand lists all companies having entries in the book which they are based. irrespective of their main country of operation. The book is updated and published every year. Any company The alphabetical index to companies within Australia & New that considers it is eligible for inclusion in the next edition of Zealand lists companies by their country of operation.
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Child, Youth and Family Health: Strengthening Communities
Child, Youth and Family Health: Strengthening Communities
A fresh new e-book edition, focusing on the importance of collaboration between healthcare professionals and the community. The second e-book edition of Child, Youth and Family Health builds its focus on the importance of a collaborative partnership between healthcare professionals and members of the community. This approach is vital in supporting, maintaining and strengthening individual and community health across a range of contexts and life stages. Child, Youth and Family Health 2e e-book begins by discussing issues and challenges in child, youth and family health, before addressing contexts for nursing and midwifery, all of which helps readers apply theory to practice. This community healthcare textbook offers additional insight into the importance of the healthcare professional's role when working with children, young people and their families, and looks at practical approaches such as program development, supporting family transitions and mental health promotion. There are three new chapters: 'Communication with children, young people and families – a family strengths-based approach', 'Acute illness: Care for the child and their family' and 'Health promotion through early childhood' along with a range of clinical scenarios, research highlights, practice highlights and critical questions and reflections. Written by authors who are nurses, midwives, early childhood educators and academics, along with a respected team of contributors and editors, Child, Youth and Family Health 2e provides an engaging perspective on the fundamental challenges and issues affecting the health and wellness of infants, children, young people and their families in Australia and New Zealand. - Clinical Scenarios integrated throughout to provide context for practice. - Research highlights provide examples of the most recent research and evidence based practice. - Practice highlights feature up-to-date examples of best practice, policies and procedures in Australia and New Zealand. - Key Points summarise the main issues in each chapter. - Critical questions and reflection feature at the end of each chapter as a tool for tutorials. - Useful Resources provide weblinks for up-to-date data, statistics, organisations and programs. - Extensive references provide for further reading and research. - Chapter 5 'Communication' completely revised with a 'family strengths' approach. - New Chapter 8 'Health promotion through early childhood'. - New Chapter 9 'Acute illness: Care for the child and their family'. - Completely revised and updated with current statistics and data. - Inclusion of contemporary public health policy. - Inclusion of contemporary legislative and regulatory frameworks for health professionals.
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