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Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis
Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis
The world is chiral. Most of the molecules in it are chiral, and asymmetric synthesis is an important means by which enantiopure chiral molecules may be obtained for study and sale. Using examples from the literature of asymmetric synthesis, this book presents a detailed analysis of the factors that govern stereoselectivity in organic reactions. After an explanation of the basic physical-organic principles governing stereoselective reactions, the authors provide a detailed, annotated glossary of stereochemical terms. A chapter on "Practical Aspects of Asymmetric Synthesis" provides a critical overview of the most common methods for the preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds, techniques for analysis of stereoisomers using chromatographic, spectroscopic, and chiroptical methods. The authors then present an overview of the most important methods in contemporary asymmetric synthesis organized by reaction type. Thus, there are four chapters on carbon-carbon bond forming reactions, one chapter on reductions, and one on oxidations (carbon-oxygen and carbon-nitrogen bond forming reactions). This organization allows the reader to compare the leading methods for asymmetric synthesis in an appropriate context. A highlight of the book is the presentation and discussion of transition states at the current level of understanding, for important reaction types. In addition, extensive tables of examples are used to give the reader an appreciation for the scope of each reaction. Finally, leading references are provided to natural product synthesis that has been accomplished using a given reaction as a key step. - Authoritative glossary to aid understanding of stereochemical terminology - Explanations of the key factors influencing stereoselectivity with numerous examples, organized by reaction type - A handy reference guide to the literature of asymmetric synthesis for practitioners in the field
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Teaching Literature to Adolescents
Teaching Literature to Adolescents
This text for pre-service and in-service English education courses presents current methods of teaching literature to middle and high school students. The methods are based on social-constructivist/socio-cultural theories of literacy learning, and incorporate research on literary response conducted by the authors. Teaching Literature to Adolescents – a totally new text that draws on ideas from the best selling textbook, Teaching Literature in the Secondary School, by Beach and Marshall – reflects and builds on recent key developments in theory and practice in the field, including: the importance of providing students with a range of critical lenses for analyzing texts and interrogating the beliefs, attitudes, and ideological perspectives encountered in literature; organization of the literature curriculum around topics, themes, or issues; infusion of multicultural literature and emphasis on how writers portray race, class, and gender differences; use of drama as a tool for enhancing understanding of texts; employment of a range of different ways to write about literature; integration of critical analysis of film and media texts with the study of literature; blending of quality young adult literature into the curriculum; and attention to students who have difficulty succeeding in literature classes due to reading difficulties, disparities between school and home cultures, attitudes toward school/English, or lack of engagement with assigned texts or response activities. The interactive Web site contains recommended readings, resources, and activities; links to Web sites and PowerPoint presentations; and opportunities for readers to contribute teaching units to the Web site databases. Instructors and students in middle and high school English methods courses will appreciate the clear, engaging, useful integration of theory, methods, and pedagogical features offered in this text.
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Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, second edition
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, second edition
The second edition of a comprehensive state-of-the-art graduate level text on microeconometric methods, substantially revised and updated. The second edition of this acclaimed graduate text provides a unified treatment of two methods used in contemporary econometric research, cross section and data panel methods. By focusing on assumptions that can be given behavioral content, the book maintains an appropriate level of rigor while emphasizing intuitive thinking. The analysis covers both linear and nonlinear models, including models with dynamics and/or individual heterogeneity. In addition to general estimation frameworks (particular methods of moments and maximum likelihood), specific linear and nonlinear methods are covered in detail, including probit and logit models and their multivariate, Tobit models, models for count data, censored and missing data schemes, causal (or treatment) effects, and duration analysis. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data was the first graduate econometrics text to focus on microeconomic data structures, allowing assumptions to be separated into population and sampling assumptions. This second edition has been substantially updated and revised. Improvements include a broader class of models for missing data problems; more detailed treatment of cluster problems, an important topic for empirical researchers; expanded discussion of "generalized instrumental variables" (GIV) estimation; new coverage (based on the author's own recent research) of inverse probability weighting; a more complete framework for estimating treatment effects with panel data, and a firmly established link between econometric approaches to nonlinear panel data and the "generalized estimating equation" literature popular in statistics and other fields. New attention is given to explaining when particular econometric methods can be applied; the goal is not only to tell readers what does work, but why certain "obvious" procedures do not. The numerous included exercises, both theoretical and computer-based, allow the reader to extend methods covered in the text and discover new insights.
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Rules of Encounter
Rules of Encounter
Provides a unified, coherent account of machine interaction at the level of the machine designers (the society of designers) and the level of the machine interaction itself (the resulting artificial society). Rules of Encounter applies the general approach and the mathematical tools of game theory in a formal analysis of rules (or protocols) governing the high-level behavior of interacting heterogeneous computer systems. It describes a theory of high-level protocol design that can be used to constrain manipulation and harness the potential of automated negotiation and coordination strategies to attain more effective interaction among machines that have been programmed by different entities to pursue different goals. While game theoretic ideas have been used to answer the question of how a computer should be programmed to act in a given specific interaction, here they are used in a new way, to address the question of how to design the rules of interaction themselves for automated agents. Rules of Encounter provides a unified, coherent account of machine interaction at the level of the machine designers (the society of designers) and the level of the machine interaction itself (the resulting artificial society). Taking into account such attributes of the artificial society as efficiency, and the self-interest of each member in the society of designers, it analyzes what kinds of rules should be instituted to govern interaction among these autonomous agents. The authors point out that adjusting the rules of public behavior--or the rules of the game--by which the programs must interact can influence the private strategies that designers set up in their machines, shaping design choices and run-time behavior, as well as social behavior. Artificial Intelligence series
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Psychology and the Challenges of Life
Psychology and the Challenges of Life
This text is an unbound, three hole punched version. In the 13th edition of Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth, Binder Ready Version, 13th Edition authors Jeffrey Nevid and Spencer Rathus continue to reflect on the many ways in which psychology relates to the lives we live and the important roles that psychology can play in helping us adjust to the many challenges we face in our daily lives. Throughout, the authors explore applications of psychological concepts and principles in meeting life challenges such as managing our time, developing our self-identity, building and maintaining friendships and intimate relationships, adopting healthier behaviors and lifestyles, coping with stress, and dealing with emotional problems and psychological disorders.
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Research Ethics in Applied Economics
Research Ethics in Applied Economics
Emphasizing the new challenges posed by the data science revolution, digital media, and changing norms, Research Ethics in Applied Economics examines the ethical issues faced by quantitative social scientists at each stage of the research process. The first section of the book considers project development, including issues of project management, selection bias in asking research questions, and political incentives in the development and funding of research ideas. The second section addresses data collection and analysis, discussing concerns about participant rights, data falsification, data management, specification search, p-hacking, and replicability. The final section focuses on sharing results with academic audiences and beyond, with an emphasis on self-plagiarism, social media, and the importance of achieving policy impact. The discussion and related recommendations highlight emergent issues in research ethics. Featuring perspectives from experienced researchers on how they address ethical issues, this book provides practical guidance to both students and experienced practitioners seeking to navigate ethical issues in their applied economics research.
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Molecular Plant Virology
Molecular Plant Virology
In calling this series Molecular Plant Virology, I had in mind aspects of plant virology of interest to biochemists, molecular geneticists, biophysicists, genetic engineers, or, collectively,molecular biologists. At the same time, the intention was to provide up-to-date reviews, by expert contributors, on current research topics in plant virology of interest and referential use to virologists and plant biologists. The selected topics are pitched mainly at a research level, but with sufficient introduction and cross-referencing to enable graduate students to enter this fascinating field and, hopefully, not get lost.
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Work in the 21st Century
Work in the 21st Century
The workplace in the 21st-century is technological and multi-cultural. Work is often accomplished in teams. This work provides students with an up-to-date knowledge based that will enable them to apply the principles of I-O psychology to themselves, supervisors, subordinates and fellow workers.
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