Aroma of Orange Pekoe by Jeff Tikari
A book comprising anecdotes and snippets from the lives of tea planters - a breed that lived in far flung and remote areas which were, in some cases, not connected by rail or road and depended heavily on weekly air supplies that were delivered by war vintage Dakotas or single engined aircraft that landed on grass strips built by plantation labourers. Scottish and British planters were the pioneers who felled vast jungles to create Plantations. They built roads, factories, and bungalows for themselves and for their wives who visited from Scotland and England. They built clubs where they played games (tennis, squash, cricket, soccer and polo) and where they danced, entertained, and drank to ease the solitary life and cope with the rugged living conditions. A thoroughly entertaining volume that describes the amusing tales and episodes of the life of tea and coffee planters from northeast India, south India, and the Highlands of Papua New guinea.