Until Then
Child loss is difficult to explain if you haven't been there, as it is with most things in life. The parents who have shared their stories in Until Then: Stories of Loss and Hope have experienced just that-the grief of losing a child. Within each chapter, you will find the story of a child who is deeply loved and missed beyond measure. You will get a glimpse of the shock and devastation that became a reality for each parent, but in reading their stories, you will also observe how God has held them through each painful step. His loving-kindness and faithfulness to them are clearly seen, even in the midst of their sorrow. If you have experienced the loss of a child, then the authors hope that reading accounts of others who have walked this path will bring new insights, a measure of comfort, and evidence that you can trust God with your life and circumstances. For those who have not experienced child loss, the book will help equip you to come alongside a bereaved parent in their greatest time of need. Contributing authors include: Molly Huffman, Tage's Mom (mollyhuffman.com); Melanie DeSimone, Dominic's Mom, (thelifeIdidntchoose.com); Jill Sullivan, Hannah's Mom, (whilewerewaiting.org); Gary and Laura House, Nathan's Parents, (ourheartsarehome.org); Carol Brown, Jacqueline's Mom; Deon and Laurette Hanekom, Duane's Parents; Scott and Tracy Blackburn, Tat's Parents; Karen Richards, Levi's Mom; Janet Boxx, Cole, Bethany, and Katie's Mom; Jennifer Coleman, Joel's Mom; John and Sharon Kelsell, Amanda's Parents; Rhyl Venning, Kari-Lee's Mom; Chuck and Laura Holmes, Jamie's Parents, (ephraiministries.org).