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Holding the Vision
Holding the Vision
The perfect companion volume for The Tenth Insight, this hands-on guide was written to help individuals and groups implement the ideas found in that book. How can the Tenth Insight Change My Life? The insights found in The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight have touched the lives of many millions of people; they are not theoretical. When we become aware of how they work, coincidences and serendipitous encounters increase for us. As our level of consciousness expands, our vision of the world is transformed, and we get a glimpse into the heart of creation. And as we learn how thought and visualization precede reality, we can begin to harness them to benefit our own future and the future of the earth. This book provides detailed explanations and exercises on Tenth Insight topics: previous lifetimes, soul groups, birth visions, the use of dreams and prayers, the afterlife, and the World Vision. It helps us experience firsthand how our own lives fit into the eternal cycles... teaches us how to discover our own personal missions...and reveals how we can all take part in the ultimately joyful world changes described in The Tenth Insight.
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The Perils of Pearl Bryan
The Perils of Pearl Bryan
Amidst the turbulence and gaiety existing in American society during the last decade of the 20th century, the paths of two young men and a young woman merge. Each is inexorably drawn to a midnight rendezvous on a lonely road in northern Kentucky, and ghastly and fatal consequences result.
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The Story of Religion in America
The Story of Religion in America
Written primarily for undergraduate classes in American religious history and organized chronologically, this new textbook presents the broad scope of the story of religion in the American colonies and the United States. While following certain central narratives, including the long shadow of Puritanism, the competition between revival and reason, and the defining role of racial and ethnic diversity, the book tells the story of American religion in all its historical and moral complexity. To appeal to its broad range of readers, this textbook includes charts, timelines, and suggestions for primary source documents that will lead readers into a deeper engagement with the material. Unlike similar history books, The Story of Religion in America pays careful attention to balancing the story of Christianity with the central contributions of other religions.
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Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: From the End of World War I to the Great Crash
Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: From the End of World War I to the Great Crash
This illustrated encyclopedia offers in-depth coverage of one of the most fascinating and widely studied periods in American history. Extending from the end of World War I in 1918 to the great Wall Street crash in 1929, the Jazz age was a time of frenetic energy and unprecedented historical developments, ranging from the League of Nations, woman suffrage, Prohibition, the Red Scare, the Ku Klux Klan, the Lindberg flight, and the Scopes trial, to the rise of organized crime, motion pictures, and celebrity culture."Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age" provides information on the politics, economics, society, and culture of the era in rich detail. The entries cover themes, personalities, institutions, ideas, events, trends, and more; and special features such as sidebars and photos help bring the era vividly to life.
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Who's who in Christian History
Who's who in Christian History
Describes the men and women who made a lasting impact on Christian faith and experience. With over 1,500 biographical entries, this book is the most comprehensive resource available. It spans the first through the twentieth centuries--from Jesus and the apostles to Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. A great reference book for pastors, Bible students and teachers, or anyone desiring a one-volume biographical dictionary of who's who in Christian history.
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Religious Studies in Ontario
Religious Studies in Ontario
Most Ontario universities were established by Christian denominations; a Christian ethos was assumed and pervasive, and students were required to take courses designed to teach and inculcate religion. This insightful and comprehensive study demonstrates how, as Ontario society became secularized and pluralistic, so too did universities. Today, religion is again studies in university classrooms but as “religious studies,” a relatively new field that reflects the religiously pluralistic nature of Ontario and the world-wide explosion of knowledge. This authoritative volume will be of interest to students of religion in and outside academic circles, to adminstratots of academic institutions and granting agencies and to persons wanting to know more about the social and cultural changes that have transformed Ontario and Canadian society.
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Christians Only
Christians Only
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A Christian SAT Preparation Expert Coaches You into College Getting ready for college includes performing well on the SAT. The SAT score helps determine acceptance into college and the acquisition of scholarships. In the new expanded edition of the SAT & College Preparation Course for the Christian Student, Dr. James Stobaugh offers the Christian student a unique opportunity to be well prepared for the test. Also, students will focus on the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, study, Scripture meditation and memorization, and prayer. A former SAT scorer, Stobaugh reports, “the best SAT scores come from students who have serious, disciplined prayer and devotional lives.” For this reason, the introduction to each lesson includes Scripture reading and a devotional journaling exercise. Critical thinking and essay writing are major themes within the SAT. Stobaugh coaches the Christian student who might otherwise passionately respond to a leading essay question without hitting the marks that the test is measuring.
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