Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling
A definitive, single source of information on PBPK modeling Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling is becomingincreasingly important in human health risk assessments and insupporting pharmacodynamic modeling for toxic responses. Organizedby classes of compounds and modeling purposes so users can quicklyaccess information, this is the first comprehensive reference ofits kind. This book presents an overview of the underlying principles of PBPKmodel development. Then it provides a compendium of PBPK modelinginformation, including historical development, specific modelingchallenges, and current practices for: * Halogenated Alkanes * Halogenated Alkenes * Alkene and Aromatic Compounds * Reactive Vapors in the Nasal Cavity * Alkanes, Oxyhydrocarbons, and Related Compounds * Pesticides and Persistent Organic Pollutants * Dioxin and Related Compounds * Metals and Inorganic Compounds * Drugs * Antineoplastic Agents * Perinatal Transfer * Mixtures * Dermal Exposure Models In addition to pinpointing specific information, readers canexplore diverse modeling techniques and applications. Anauthoritative reference for toxicologists, ecotoxicologists, riskassessors, regulators, pharmacologists, pharmacists, and graduatestudents in pharmacokinetics and toxicology, Physiologically-BasedPharmacokinetic Modeling compiles information from leaders in thefield and discusses future directions for PBPK modeling.