Autism Therapies And Treatments For Autism - The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD, And Special Needs Autism: the word itself is enough to strike fear into the hearts of countless parents. Questions begin to run through your mind... how is this going to affect your life? How is this going to affect the life of your child? Can your child still lead a normal life?Are you going to be able to enjoy doing things as a family? What does this mean? There is a lot of fear and questions when you first hear the diagnoses. You knew that there was something wrong. Something that caused your child to learn differently. To act differently. To live differently than the other children in school, in his friend circle, or even from his brothers and sisters.You knew that there had to be something, but you didn't know what. And now you have a name to put on it, but that still leaves you hanging with a lot of questions. Whether this is a new diagnosis, you have known about it for a while and now have a name to put on it, or if you are a seasoned professional just looking for a new perspective, this is the book for you.I have put together a book that is designed to help you, no matter what level of autism your child has. I am going to assure you that there is nothing wrong with your child, that they are merely unique in their needs, and you are fully able to equip them with everything they need to live a completely normal life.You are not alone, and this isn't a diagnoses that has to define you or your child. You are free to live as you always have, just with a new perspective.