Your Office
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For introductory courses on Microsoft Office 2010 or courses in computer concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2010 applications. ¿ Your Office is the Office Applications textbook written for instructors who want more than a ‘skill & drill’ book that enables students to learn discreet tasks but fails to illustrate the big picture of how these skills work together.¿ Your Office bridges the gap between skill and application, and empowers students to master Office 2010 as a tool to solve problems and make decisions. The cases progress students from learning the skills in each Office Application to using the applications as tools to make business decisions. The unique modular structure provides a strong foundation for students through practice in each workshop and then synthesizes the objectives covered over two workshops, challenging students to really retain what they learned as opposed to learning and then forgetting soon after. ¿ The series scenario introduces a large global business (the resort and spa) made up of smaller businesses (golf pro shop, spa, restaurants, event planning, etc) featured in the cases that run throughout all four applications.¿ This approach gives students a solid understanding of how an organization works by exposing them to how individuals in all facets of a business interact with tools like Microsoft Office and use information to make decisions. **This is a one-chapter supplement.**