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The Rape of Angelina of Glastonbury, 1199 AD
The Rape of Angelina of Glastonbury, 1199 AD
This is a story of suspenseful revenge. Where the hideous crime of a young 13-year old girl gets raped and has to face some disturbing but reassuring decisions. In doing so, there becomes not only desensitization in her revenge to the rapists, but a psychological blocking of the events. The story takes place in Glastonbury England, after the 3rd Crusades, in AD 1199. The story takes you on a riveting edge of a quest to gain her life back, the one she lost; the one the rapists took away. The question is, can she get it back, and if so, how? On top of the Tor of Avalon, but a few hundred yards from the town, is a man who ends up talking to an elder resident who helps him unravel this ancient mystery of sorts, as he shares Angelina's Diary. The visitor, being a qualified psychotherapist, gives him his analysis of "why", which may even help the elder in his understanding.
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Cold Kindness
Cold Kindness
Mr. Siluk's book, Cold Kindness, could be considered the sequel to his previous book Perhaps it's Love, but going in the opposite direction. It is what makes it unique in its own way though. Most of us look for love and when it starts to vanish, try to hold onto it as long as possible; thus, likewise, Carmen tries, and so does her lover, Adam; but do they achieve this? The year is 195960, when the story takes place, in a small city called Dieburg, in West Germany. The author has been to all locations mentioned in the story, for example: Dieburg, Augsburg, Darmstadt, Babenhausen, Garmisch, and Frankfurt Germany. Mr. Siluk boils the pot of truth, to suite the theme; we have fiction mixed with fact. "Dennis is a prolific and passionate writer. He writes about his many life experiences and things he believes in." Matt James, Editor of the 'useless.knowledge, ' magazine [1.2 million readership; 12/2004] "You're a Master of the written word." "I have just finished reading your volume 'Death on Demand, ' and I have to say, you are a helluva author. I really, really like your work Dennis " Benjamin Szumskyj, editor of SSWFT-magazine out of Australia. [2005]
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Angelic Renegades and Rephaim Giants
Angelic Renegades and Rephaim Giants
We are going into a world very few people have entered. And if they have, there stories have not been told. And imparticular, not this one. These beings are called the Watchers, angelic renegades. The Forbidden Ones. The Shinning Ones. Serpents of Old. The ancient dictators of the world. They have cursed God, to have man worship them. Some were cast to the abyss thousands of years ago; others into silence. The author takes you into this vortex of images and sounds. He meets these blood hungrey beings. They have no shame. They will plant seeds for mankind to breed such humans like Nimrod of old, Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, bin Laden, and the rest of their kind. They have done more to mankind then he knows. They feed their unnatural desires with human women. They will teach mankind magic, war, astrolgoy, and women how to paint their faces. Their children will become giants. And they will walk the earth and kill at will, then parish in the sands of time. One of the Watchers may return by request of the coming world dicttor. He is the one the author meets, just before Armageddon. Dramatic prophetic events are also wedged into this small book. May God be on your side my friend. Say a prayer before reading it, for it may be difficult to read otherwise, for Satan holds no claim to liking such things written, nor read; his angelic friends neither.
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Last Autumn and Winter
Last Autumn and Winter
In Dennis' poetry on Minnesota, he has tried to deliver the engraved impressions he received, that have shaped themselves within the windows and cracks of his mind. Realizing life is not a halo, but rather a task-of the unknown, unseen. Here he tries to bring the unchaining spirit: whatever peculiarities or simplicities they maybe, into the possible. In the beauty of Last Autumn and Winter, of Minnesota, Dennis brings out an echo, a voice and does it politely, as he marches on from autumn to winter. By Rosa Peñaloza Versión en Español En las poesías de Dennis sobre Minnesota, él trata de entregar las impresiones grabadas que ha recibido, formadas ella mismas dentro de las lumbreras y grietas de su mente. Entendiendo que la vida no es un halo, pero más bien una tarea-de lo desconocido, de lo no visto. Aquí él trata de traer el espíritu de desencadenamiento: cualquiera sean las peculiaridades o simplicidades de ellos tal vez en el posible. En la belleza de Ultimo Otoño e Invierno, de Minnesota, Dennis lanza un eco, una voz y lo hace correctamente mientras él marcha de otoño a invierno. Por Rosa Peñaloza
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The Galilean
The Galilean
The poems within this volume, consist of a series called: The Galilean 87-poems out of 653 have been selected, from six chapbooks of which six thousand copies have been handed out freely to: churches, individuals and facilities seeking the wisdom of the scriptures concerning Jesus Christs love and salvation; three chapbooks were sent to Pope Francis whom gave a favorable response. This is the authors Magnus Opus in poetry. Deep into the books inner-core one will discover its mysteries: those seldom brought to light. (A two year project.) The Commentary for the poem Conclusion: Gods Existence is excellent. Sister Marleny Rojas (11-2013) Directora del Colegio Santa Mara Madre de Dios I like the poem, Gods Nature Marissa Cardenas, Journalist, Correo Newspaper (Huancayo, Peru) 2013 With great regard and admirationyou being a decorous person: Poems for the Soul (The Galilean) tells us, the reader, once more of your endless layers and poetic productions, which exalt the intelligence and human culture. Mayor, San Juan De Miraflores, Lima, Per: Dr. Adolfo Vargas, 8-2013
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Men with Torrent Women
Men with Torrent Women
"The author has put into this book, 'Men with Torrent Women, ' a variety of touching and exalting moments of interesting sentiment: and a flood of skittish women." Rosa Penaloza The first novelette, "To Save a Lopsided Sparrow," is the sequel to: "Cornfield Laughter," in Spanish and English, taking the reader into the Great War, the battle for the Village of Douaumont in 1916: with Shannon O'Day, as a French Soldier, and a mad woman in the deserted and demolished village. The Second Novelette, "The Donkeyland Bums," tells three connecting stories of the author, during his youthful years 1966-1967, as he crisscrosses the United States, with different neighborhood buddies. Also included in the book are sixteen short stories, several in Spanish and English: The Old Couple of Athens (La Pareja de Ancianos en Atenas); The Last of Sunset (Lo Ultimo de la Puesta del Sol); A Quiet, felt Moment (Sentir un Momento Tranquilo); The Little Russian Twins (Los Mellicitos Rusos); The Frozen Tongue (La Lengua Congelada;) "The Rose Room" (El Cuarto Rosa); In the Garden of Scheol (En el Jardin del Infierno). And: "A Cross for Bridgette" (Villa Rica, Peru); "The Horses of Venice"; "A Letter in Vietnam" (1971); and others.
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Chasing the Sun
Chasing the Sun
Dennis L Siluk was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, October 7, l947. Graduated from the University of Maryland, l977, and Troy State University, in l979, with degrees in psychology and sociology, and then studied theology for several months, continuing his graduated studies in counseling at the University of Minnesota, receiving his license thereafter. But his desire to travel has out lived his desire to continue in the area of behavior science. His travels have produced three books in the past and seven books in the present. This book traces that desire starting in the year of l967 to the present, 2002, with pictures on some of his travels, and several pages of commentary. In addition, Mr. Siluk has added two of his poems from his earlier travels, which was put into his first book published in l980, and four short stories, one that has been accepted as an entry for Nimrod Literary Award for short stories.
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Stay Down, Old Abram
Stay Down, Old Abram
From two short stories and fragments of others comprising basically an outline by the author, grows a masterpiece--after 14-months, a most lucid novel, perhaps the best account of a cross-cultural form of intolerance, in historical-fiction in a long time. Based on actual events, Stay Down, Old Abram, the author paints two streets, one white, one black--in this tragic game where moods and friction bring out the roots of deeply idealistic rejection and suppressed tendencies, all embedded in the narrative. One might even conclude, this story is not all that much different than what took place in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, outside of Baghdad recently, although in a thinner angle: yet in both cases we see undisciplined soldiers working in sensitive spots. The time and place is West Germany, mid-l970's. By Rosa Peñaloza Translator, Writer "I had read some of Dennis Siluk's books and I liked them very much, the stories and topics touched in each one. I could say that reading them they carry you inside the story and you begin to dream and dream as if you were part of the story." Nancy De Valencia English Teacher
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Dracula's Ghost
Dracula's Ghost
In this peculiar, enthralling book, one will find emotions, adventures, characters, that will torment the reader, if not leaving one spellbound by its expressiveness. In Dracula's Ghost, you find the legend has more than fictitious elements on the mind of a certain person with a pronounced inherited trait, and is haunted by the Ghost of Dracula, and its creator; a most ghastly unwavering affair. In Shadows in the Wild, the mysterious shadow of a stranger conjurors up an untapped emotion. In Sjorfaa! Sjorfaa! you become enmeshed in an Arctic adventure. In Death in the Dust, you end up at a bullfight, with a character unforgettable. In The Plane from Iquitos, you are taken into an adventure in the Amazon. In The Diamond Caddo Estate, dreams do come true, at a price. In the Feathered Serpent, a quest is sought, and in The Quiet of Quiahuiztlan, the quiet is short lived.
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