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Ecology of Communication
Ecology of Communication
Altheide's new book advances the argument set in motion some years ago with Media Logic and continued in Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era: that in our age, information technology and the communication enviroments it posits have affected the private and the social spheres of all our power relationships, redefining the ground rules for social life and concepts such as freedom and justice., Articulated through an interactionist and non-deterministic focus, An Ecology of Communication offers a distinctive perspective for understanding the impact of information technology, communication formats, and social activities in the new electronic environment.
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Sports Medicine of Baseball
Sports Medicine of Baseball
Sports Medicine of Baseball includes all-encompassing coverage of the evaluation and treatment of common problems encountered in baseball players at all levels of competition. A large portion of the book focuses on shoulder and elbow problems, given the high number of shoulder and elbow injuries that affect baseball players. The text will also cover lower extremity injuries, spine conditions, and common medical problems that may be encountered. Of special interest to athletic trainers, topics such as different training regimens for in-season versus off-season workouts and tailoring throwing programs for relievers and starters is given particular attention.
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Introducing Aesthetics
Introducing Aesthetics
This concise yet comprehensive introduction to the discipline of western aesthetical philosophy is focused directly on the central questions of aesthetics. Fenner arranges his analysis around four general themes—Experiences, Objects and Events, Meaning, and Judgment—that progress from issues of everyday experience to subjects of greater subtlety. Within these broader themes, Fenner explores such issues as The Aesthetic Attitude, Defining Art, and Reviewing Art Criticism. Although a historical organization is employed wherever a particular movement unfolds from earlier movements, the text's main organization is not motivated by an academic or historical treatment of the various topics. Instead, the topics themselves are of primary concern, in such a way that readers will come away with a complete overview of the canon of this highly significant area of western philosophy.
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Imagination, Understanding, and the Virtue of Liberality
Imagination, Understanding, and the Virtue of Liberality
Current debates over multiculturalism often pit those who believe that every perspective should be represented against those who hold fast to the notion of a universal "common ground." In this timely and original work, David L. Norton persuasively argues for the power of a "transcendental imagination," that is, an imagination that can go beyond itself to gain another's perspective without necessarily assimilating that perspective. Imagination, Understanding, and the Virtue of Liberality will be an important work for all intellectuals and very useful in courses that address multiculturalism.
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Masks, Transformation, and Paradox
Masks, Transformation, and Paradox
Masks are found world-wide in connection with seasonal festivals, rites of passage, and curative ceremonies. They provide a means of investigating the paradoxical problems that appearances pose in the experience of transitional states. In this far-reaching work, A. David Napier studies mask iconography and the role played by masks in the realization of change. The masks of preclassical Greece¯in particular those of the Satyr and the Gorgon¯provide his starting point. A comparison of Greek to Eastern and especially Indian models follows, and the book concludes with an examination of the interpretation of Hindu ideas in Bali that demonstrates the importance of ambivalence in mask iconography.
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Muslim Family Law
Muslim Family Law
Providing the English reader with an introductory guide to the major aspects of Islamic law, this text places particular emphasis on the tensions between Muslim and English law. It discusses the sources of Islamic law, family inheritance, and contract and commercial law
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The United States in Asia
The United States in Asia
Shavit's historical dictionary addresses the critical need in academic libraries for reference sources that provide undergraduate and beginning graduate students of American foreign policy with introductory information on the persons, events, and institutions that have influenced US relations with other nations. . . . a useful dictionary. Choice Contact between the United States and Asia began in the 17th century when several Americans went to India as employees of the East India company. A myriad of sea captains and merchants, missionaries, consuls and diplomats, travelers, journalists, businessmen, engineers, naturalists, educators, and authors and artists followed, establishing a gamut of relationships between the United States and Asia. This volume provides, in alphabetical format, information about those individuals, institutions, and events that most affected the relationships between the United States and Asia. The dictionary focuses on individuals who contributed in a significant way to U.S.-Asian relations, especially those who left a written record of their experiences. The book covers all countries of Asia, except those of the Middle East, which are in a separate volume by Shavit. Shavit has succeeded in making the information highly accessible as well as comprehensive. The front matter includes a list of abbreviations, place names, and a chronology. A short introduction then leads into the dictionary itself. References at the end of each entry note whether the subject is covered in general biographical dictionaries and list books and articles on the subject. A system of asterisks cross-references people, events, and institutions that have their own entries in the dictionary. Two appendixes--a list of the chiefs of American diplomatic missions to Asia from 1843 to 1989, and a list of individuals organized by profession and occupation--are added handy reference materials. A bibliographical essay and index complete the book. This impressive new historical dictionary is a useful reference guide for any student of American relations with Asia.
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Richard Bachenheimer Papers
Field notes, correspondence, drafts of reports and papers, and other materials related to Bachenheimer's research in India as a Fulbright scholar working with University of California Berkeley professor David Mandelbaum. Materials contain information on social structures, homes, agriculture, irrigation, kinship, caste, market reports, and village life, especially in Adoni and Ingaladahal in southern India. A significant amount of the correspondence is between Mandelbaum and Bachenheimer. Oversize folder 1: maps of Hyderabad and Madras, 1942-1948; one hand drawn map of 'The Tungabhadra Project - Index Map - Low Level Scheme', undated.
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The Limits of Language
The Limits of Language
What makes the author's approach unique is its concern with the ways in which we may understand language and its relation to the world and ourselves as a question of limits, drawing upon contemporary continental and English-language views of language, philosophical and linguistic, from American pragmatists such as Peirce and Dewey, and from important contemporary sources such as feminist theory.
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