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Birds of the Atlantic Islands: A history of the birds of Madeira, the Desertas, and the Porto Santo Islands
Birds of the Atlantic Islands: A history of the birds of Madeira, the Desertas, and the Porto Santo Islands
Photographs and text introduce instruments and techniques developed by space scientists that have benefitted such varied areas as medicine, weather forecasting, waste disposal, and photography.
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The South Atlantic
The South Atlantic
The book presents results of recent projects in oceanography and marine geosciences (e.g. WOCE, JGOFS, PAGES, ODP) regarding present and past circulation in the South Atlantic. The objective of the book is to integrate results from both oceanographic and geological studies. As the connecting link between the Antarctic and the North Atlantic, the South Atlantic plays a crucial role with regard to the heat budget of the North Atlantic and to the biogeochemical budget of the global ocean. New results from studies of meridional water mass and heat transports are presented. The central theme of geological investigations is the reconstruction of current and productivity systems in the South Atlantic during the late Quaternary.
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Double Agent Victoire
Double Agent Victoire
Mathilde Carré, notoriously known as La Chatte, was remarkable for all the wrong reasons. Like most spies she was temperamental, scheming and manipulative – but she was also treacherous. A dangerous mix, especially when combined with her infamous history of love affairs – on both sides. Her acts of treachery were almost unprecedented in the history of intelligence, yet her involvement in the 'Interallié affair' has only warranted a brief mention in the accounts of special operations in France during the Second World War. But what motivated her to betray more than 100 members of the Interallié network, the largest spy network in France? Was she the only guilty party, or were others equally as culpable? Using previously unpublished material from MI5 files, Double Agent Victoire explores the events that led to her betrayal, who may have 'cast the first stone', and their motivations, as well as how the lives and careers of those involved were affected. It reveals a story full of intrigue, sex, betrayal and double-dealing, involving a rich cast including members of the French Resistance, German Abwehr and British Intelligence.
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Learning to Forget
Learning to Forget
Learning to Forget analyzes the evolution of US counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine over the last five decades. Beginning with an extensive section on the lessons of Vietnam, it traces the decline of COIN in the 1970s, then the rebirth of low intensity conflict through the Reagan years, in the conflict in Bosnia, and finally in the campaigns of Iraq and Afghanistan. Ultimately it closes the loop by explaining how, by confronting the lessons of Vietnam, the US Army found a way out of those most recent wars. In the process it provides an illustration of how military leaders make use of history and demonstrates the difficulties of drawing lessons from the past that can usefully be applied to contemporary circumstances. The book outlines how the construction of lessons is tied to the construction of historical memory and demonstrates how histories are constructed to serve the needs of the present. In so doing, it creates a new theory of doctrinal development.
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When he took office in 1969, the term that Richard Nixon embraced to describe his plan for ending the American war in Vietnam was “Vietnamization,” the process of withdrawing US troops and turning over responsibility for the war to the South Vietnamese government. The concept had far reaching implications, both for understanding Nixon’s actions and for shaping U.S. military thinking years after Washington’s failure to ensure the survival of its client state in South Vietnam. In this book, Vietnam War expert David L. Anderson explores the political and strategic implications and assesses its continuing, significant impact on American post-Vietnam foreign policy.
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Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
The first book entirely dedicated to the topic emphasizes the relation between basic research and actual processing technologies. As such, it covers complex microstructures down to the nanometer scale, structure/property relationships and potential applications in key industries. From the contents: * Constitution * Thermophysical Constants * Phase Transformations and Microstructures * Deformation Behaviour * Strengthening Mechanisms * Creep * Fracture Behaviour * Fatigue * Oxidation Resistance and Related Issues * Alloy Design * Ingot Production and Component Casting * Powder Metallurgy * Wrought Processing * Joining * Surface Hardening * Applications and Component Assessment
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Structural Equation Modeling
Structural Equation Modeling
By focusing on how structural equation modeling (SEM) can illuminate what we know abou social and behavioral phenomena rather than on the "ins and outs" of the various SEM programs (eg., AMOS, LISREL, EQS), David Kaplan demonstrates to the reader the utility of SEM, its limitations, and the statistical underpinnings of the method. The book begins with an explanation of confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis, and how these two techniques can be combined for SEM.
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Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11
Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11
Probing disturbing questions that beg for a response from the Christian community, a distinguished scholar of religion and popular writer analyzes the evidence about 9/11 and then explores a distinctively Christian perspective on these issues, taking seriously what we know about Jesus' life, death, and teachings.
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