Theory of Magnetostatic Waves
Magnetic materials can support propagating waves of magnetization; since these are oscillations in the magnetostatic properties of the material, they are called magnetostatic waves (sometimes "magnons" or "magnetic polarons"). Under the proper circumstances these waves can exhibit, for example, either dispersive or nondispersive, isotropic or anisotropic propagation, nonreciprocity, frequency-selective nonlinearities, soliton propagation, and chaotic behavior. This rich variety of behavior has led to a number of proposed applications in microwave and optical signal processing. This textbook begins by discussing the basic physics of magnetism in magnetic insulators and the propagation of electromagnetic waves in anisotropic dispersive media. It then treats magnetostatic modes, describing how the modes are excited, how they propagate, and how they interact with light. There are problems at the end of each chapter; many of these serve to expand or explain the material in the text. To enhance the book's usefulness as a reference, the answers are given for many of the problems. The bibliographies for each chapter give an entry to the research literature. Magnetostatic Waves will thus serve not only as an introduction to an active area of research, but also as a handy reference for workers in the field.