Nowadays, Computer Graphics and Multimedia have become crucial areas of study in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. The commercial and academic viability of the field can be understood from its usability and application in various areas, including entertainment, education, image processing, CAD/CAM, fine arts, and so on. Students not only need to have a firm grounding in these fields but also have to learn how to integrate these technologies to get the desired results. This book, written in an easy-to-grasp style, equips the readers with all the basic and advanced concepts of computer graphics and multimedia. Inclusion of sufficient programs relating to C, OpenGL, VRML, Python Turtle Graphics and GKS helps the readers in generating realistic images. The text not only incorporates standard algorithms but also keeps pace with the newly invented ones. It provides an insight into graphics programming using various software packages. In most of the chapters, a number of solved numerical problems are provided to help students learn the practical applications of the preceding concept. Primarily intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, and Mechanical Engineering, the book is equally useful for the students opting BCA, MCA, B.Sc. (CS/IT), M.Sc. (CS/IT) and Multimedia courses.