Developing Adaptation Options for Seabirds and Marine Mammals Impacted by Climate Change
This project has increased connectedness between seabird and marine mammal researchers, managers and policy makers about the range of climate impacts that are already being experienced by these iconic taxa in Australian waters. Through workshops and collaborative analyses, we have increased the state of knowledge for Australia's iconic marine species, and demonstrated, through publications, a range of analytical approaches for discerning climate impacts, and in some cases resolving these impacts from non-climate drivers, such as bycatch in fisheries, or competition from similar species. The range of adaptation options that could be used to respond to climate-related threats to seabirds and mammals has also raised awareness amongst managers and researchers, and shifted thinking towards active intervention. Preliminary project results have been welcomed by managers at state agencies, particularly the tools developed to prioritise adaptation options. This project provides a solid foundation for testing of adaptation options, with tools to evaluate likely success, institutional barriers to success, and likely social acceptance of different adaptation options.