Vocational Education and Training in Spain
This monograph on the vocational education and training (VET) system in Spain is one of a series on VET systems in the European Union Member States. Chapter 1 provides this background information: political and administrative structures, population, Spanish economy, and employment. Chapter 2 describes the current education system. Chapter 3 covers history, the vocational training system, initial vocational training, vocational training for employed workers, and vocational training for the unemployed. Chapter 4, on the regulatory and financial framework, describes administrative arrangements and financing of education and training. Chapter 5, on qualitative aspects of vocational training, focuses on certification and qualifications, teachers and training of trainers, and vocational guidance. Chapter 6, on trends and perspectives for vocational training, discusses the national vocational training program (1998 to 2002) and the national action plan for employment (1988). Appendixes include acronyms and abbreviations; a list of legal instruments; a list of principal bodies responsible for the provision or regulation of vocational training; definitions of basic terms; and a 27-item bibliography. (YLB)