Nothing Lasts
"Nothing Lasts" is a 2017 poetry and prose and artwork collection book from Scars Publications ( of the May through August 2017 issues of cc&d magazine ("Children, Churches and Daddies": the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine, Writers and artists in this issue collection book anthology include Aaron Wilder, Alicia Berdeguez, Angel Abitua, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill DeArmond, Bill Hemmig, Bob Strother, Brady Peterson, Brian Looney, Carl Papa Palmer, CEE, Charles Hayes, Cheryl Townsend, Christopher Hivner, D. C. Weiser, D. D. Renforth, Dan Fitzgerald, David J. Thompson, David M Jackson, David Russell, Donal Mahoney, Douglas J. Ogurek, Drew Marshall, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Burbridge, Eric Obame, Erika Byrne-Ludwig, Erren Kelly, Francois le Roux, Greg G. Zaino, I.B. Rad, Indunil Madhusankha, J. Quinn Brisben, Jack Moody, Janet Kuypers, John Amendall, John Grey, John Lowther, John Sweet, Kelley Jean White MD, Kyle Hemmings, Linda M. Crate, Marc Livanos, Marlo Swagemeier, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Jone, Mike Jones, Mohammad Hakima, Natasha Hooper, Nicole Surginer, Nora McDonald, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Peter LaBerge, Preeti Singh, R. N. Taber, Richard King Perkins II, Richard White, Robert Ronnow, Roger N. Taber, Rose E. Grier, Rose E. Grierail, Roy Haymond, Russ Bickerstaff, Sayuri Yamada, Stefan Benz, Thom Woodruff, Uzeyir Cayci, Victoria Kuykendall, W. Scott R. Brownlee, Westley Hein, Westley Heine, and Xanadu.