Papers of Barbara Hanrahan
The papers have been arranged into the following series: 1. Correspondence, 1972-1991: correspondents include her publisher (Chatto & Windus), Murray Pollinger, Craig Munro, Tim Curnow, Geoffrey Dutton, Merril Yule, Leslie Anderson, Verity Laughton and Dale Spencer. 2. Writings, 1974-1992: includes notes, drafts and proofs for her books Sea green, The albatross muff, Where the queens strayed, The peach groves, The frangipani gardens, Dove, Kewpie doll, Annie Magda, Dream people, A Chelsea girl, Flawless jade, Iris in her garden, Good night Mr Moon and Michael and me and the sun. 3. Unpublished writings: miscellaneous drafts and notes. 4. Book reviews, 1973-1992: newspaper cutting of reviews of Hanrahan's writing and those of other writers. 5. Diaries and notebooks, 1958-1991: diaries, poetry book, book of dreams and book of quotations.