Moments of Eclecticism
GENRE: ECLECTIC (SELF-HELP, FICTION, SPIRITUALITY) 'Moments of Eclecticism' is the collection of various write-ups and stories written by Author Amit Ahlawat till March 2015. It is a multi-genre e-book covering the following genres of writing: 1. Self-help: There are 2 pieces on self-help. One, 'How to assess how much of yourself is in the present' and two, 'Seven Ways To Sustained Happiness'. The first one talks about how our energies sometimes tend to remain divided across times. Someone may be highly nostalgic and tend to stay in memories while someone may be too anxious about the future. The write-up provides cursory diagnosis and suggestions around how a person can recollect himself happily in to the present. The other piece discusses happiness, an emotion undoubtedly valued by many. Emotions are the gifts of God, and the write-up goes on in depth to discuss various inter-related ways to feel happiness and contentment for long times. It touches upon the related concepts of goal, success, failure, love, motivation and balance to bring upon a broad perspective. 2. Fiction: There are 2 fiction pieces as well: 'Mirage - A moment of life' and 'An unexpected Interview'. Both the stories are based in India with close to real-life characters. The first piece talks through story mode about how life can not be defined but it can always be kept simple. It's the story of Naresh Prajapati, a middle aged Chief Executive who had achieved almost everything in life that he ever wanted to. How the tide turns up side down and how Naresh fights with himself to avoid the 'Mirage' and achieve 'Celebration' has been portayed with the backdrop of 'that different day he would never forget'. The second piece brings across the message that humanity prevails during crisis times irrespective of the professional barriers prevalent in today's society. The protagonists of the story are Aamir, a young graduate and Rehan, a tenured corporate marketing professional. The story is situational and involves numerous scenes and dialogues and attempts to bring across the nature of life where 'the tide could turn the other side any time' yet humanity prevails supreme even over this, if man chooses to. 3. Spirituality: The last piece of the e-book is titled 'A Collection of articles in Philosphy and Spirituality'. This is a collection of small reflective articles written by Author Amit Ahlawat over the course 2011-2014. What stands common across the articles is that there is no end to self-improvement and therefore we as individuals and society have so much unexplored, undiscovered, uncertain and unconquered with us (and outside as a reflection of the same). The answers to all the problems the world faces lie inside each one of us and its our choice to listen to our inner voice. The book is suitable for graduate and post graduate students raring to enter the industry as young professionals as it endeavors to introduce them as the smart young leaders of tomorrow. Professionals already working in the industry also stand to gain from the personal, professional and career development insights given in the book.