Re-imagining Language and Literature for the 21st Century
In 28 essays selected from the proceedings of the XXII International Congress of FILLM held at Assumption University, Bangkok, scholars and teachers of languages and literatures have noted, bemoaned and analyzed the waning influence of the humanities to varying degrees. They have raised questions, offered solutions and vigorously defended their languages and literatures, often in no uncertain terms - not as a politically correct thing to do, but as a human obligation. The papers presented here are true to the spirit of the Congress from the moment of the keynote address to what followed in a spontaneous outbreak of voices from scholars of more than 70 universities throughout the world. For the first time, in an international congress, scholars have described with great sensitivity many languages and literatures often considered the periphery, in a sincere attempt to understand 'the other', thus making a passionate plea for inclusion in the umbrella of the world's languages and literatures. With contributions by keynote speaker and authority on Comparative Literature Gayatri Spivak, USA and plenary speakers Vridhagiri Ganeshan, India; Roger Sell, Finland; Antoine Compagnon, France; and Chetana Nagavajara, Thailand this volume is of immense interest to scholars and teachers of languages and literatures the world over.