Applied Ethics for Sport and Physical Activity Professionals
This text is designed to provide the sport and physical activity professional with an introduction to ethical decision-making. It can apply readily to the reader's personal, professional and environmental (or societal) lif--if such a division can be established in connection with ethics and morality in one's life pattern. (In the final analysis, of course, everything is "personal.") Any new book being recommended for use by a great many people needs solid justification. In Applied Ethics Sport and Physical Activity Professionals, an excellent case can be made for use of this basic, multi-phased (1-2-3-4) approach to ethical decision-making offered here. Faced with the prevailing "ethical chaos" of the early 21st century--and keeping firmly in mind the vital need to preserve our individual freedom and civil liberties, it starts in a relatively simple fashion in Phase One. Actually the three steps offered here might actually "do it" for the reader (and for the author too!) in most situations! Then it moves progressively and sequentially through Phases Two, Three, and Four that are assuredly desirable, but optional. Although it says "optional," it is true that using one or more of them could serve to confirm or negate the reader's Phase-One decision. Interestingly, and importantly nevertheless, all four phases of this approach to ethical decision-making can be carried out successfully by a reasonably intelligent person. (Phase Four, a case method technique, can be pursued best in a group discussion of the issue at hand by those concerned.) It is argued here basically, for several reasons, that the young person in society today is initially missing out completely on a sound "experiential" introduction to ethics and morality. This is true whether reference is mad to that which typically takes place in the home, the school system, or the church--actually an experience that doesn't take place adequately!. In fact, the truth is that typically no systematic instruction in this most important subject is offered at any time. (And the author refuses to accept the often-heard "osmosis stance"--i.e., that such knowledge is "better caught than taught!".) In Part I, in an effort to improve the prevailing situation, the reader learns initially how this all came about, how and why such a terrible gap exists. Where previously, for many at least, a relatively strong, orthodox, religious indoctrination prevailed--and was of some help--the situation has steadily deteriorated in our present multi-ethnic, secular culture to a point where "confusion reigns" as to ethical conduct (see Chapters 1). This topic will be elaborated still further through a brief narrative explaining how such a confusing miasma came into existence on the topic of ethical values and problems in our society today (Chapter 2). Next the "good" and the "bad" will be explained briefly in historical perspective (in Chapter 3). Next, because this subject can become confusing unless the terms used are understood and one's reasoning is sound, elementary reasoning (i.e., informal logic or "critical thinking" was planned for Chapter 4--but it is now in the Appendix (for ease of reference). So Chapter 4 offers now instead a quick look at six of the major ethical routes or approaches extant in today's confusing Western-world scenario. Finally, in Part I, it is explained how a person's ethical outlook should be an implicit/explicit experiential approach that necessarily moves daily from personal to professional ethics (Chapter 5). In Part II, one basic philosophic approach to applied ethics--a three-step one--is offered as Phase One of a total four-phase, experiential plan that may be applied to a specific problem-solving ethical situation (Chapter 6). This plan of attack moves sequentially from the time-proven thought of three great philosophers of the past (i.e., proceeds from Kant to Mill to Aristotle). Then, a second, legal or