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Societal Dimensions of Environmental Science
Societal Dimensions of Environmental Science
Societal Dimensions of Environmental Science: Global Case Studies of Collaboration and Transformation, brings together several key examples of the successes and the challenges that exist for environmental stakeholders trying to strike a balance between science and the societal implications of the issues involved. This book provides important methods and approaches necessary for informed decision making and a better understanding of the common threads of learning, collaboration, negotiation, and compromise. It also explains that concepts and skills needed to better understand how specific project goals can be best achieved in the rapidly changing field of environmental management, by providing practical situations and solutions, across a global landscape. This book provides anyone who works in a community setting with the necessary tools and strategies for solving environmental problems and achieving the goals of an environmental project of any type and specifically addresses the topic of how to synthesize community engagement and the environmental science. It describes current environmental issues and lessons learned of what works and what doesn’t work in real situations, and why. It also highlights key examples, which can be used by both management practitioners and research scientists in their specific circumstances. Showcasing a unique compilation of the diverse and specific examples from societies in Asia, Oceania, North America, and the Middle East, with an equally diverse array of authorship, this book serves all policy makers, scientists, organizers, and community members that desire to build better group dynamics for addressing environmental issues.
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Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Unique in the reference literature, this Companion provides students with an introduction to all the major concepts and contemporary issues in the environmental sciences. The text is divided into six sections (Environmental Sciences, Environments, Paradigms and Concepts, Processes and Dynamic, Scales and Techniques, Environmental Issues), with over 200 entries alphabetically organized and authored by key names in the environmental science disciplines. Entries are concise, informative, richly visual and fully referenced and cross referenced. They introduce key concepts and processes that are included in the index, cite relevant websites, and reflect the latest thinking.
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Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences
International experts provide a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living/non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental problems may work in specific societal contexts are addressed. Disciplinary approaches are discussed but there is a focus on multi- and interdisciplinary methods. A large number of practical examples and case studies are presented. There is special emphasis on modelling and integrated assessment. This book is different because it stresses the societal, cultural and historical dimensions of environmental problems. The main objective is to improve the ability to analyse and conceptualise environmental problems in context and to make readers aware of the value and scope of different methods. Ideal as a course text for students, this book will also be of interest to researchers and consultants in the environmental sciences.
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Scientific American Environmental Science For A Changing World
Scientific American Environmental Science For A Changing World
Following real people and real science, Environmental Science for a Changing World provides a unique context for showing students how science works and how to think critically about environmental issues. Chapters don’t merely include interesting stories they are examples of science journalism at its best, combining Scientific American-style writing, layout, and graphics to tell compelling stories that exemplify important concepts and issues. This approach has proven so effective that instructors using the book report a dramatic increase in the number of students who read the assignments and come to class ready to participate. This updated new edition features new stories, updated scientific coverage, and enhanced Infographics—the book’s signature visual study tool that combines memorable images, step-by-step callouts, and questions that foster scientific literacy. The book is organized into 11 chapters, each consisting of multiple modules focused on different aspects of environmental science, from ecology and evolution, to human interactions with the environment, to land, water, and energy resources. Although each module tells a compelling and relatable story, it is built on a core pedagogy of Guiding Questions that help students extract the scientific concepts that form the basis for the story. This edition also has its own dedicated version of Macmillan’s online course space, LaunchPad, which is filled with Video exercises, animations, graphing exercises, and assessments, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing that help students apply the science, debunk misconceptions, and prepare for exams.
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Environmental Science: Working with the Earth
Environmental Science: Working with the Earth
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 11th Edition, boasts an unparalleled coverage of sustainability, basic science, and bias-free comparisons, within a flexible chapter organization and supported by the strongest media tools and illustration program available. New media to this edition includes: How Would You Vote? found at This is an application of 68 provocative environmental issues covered in the text. Students investigate the issues in a structured manner, and then cast their votes on the Web where the results are tallied; Environmental ScienceNow, a learning tool that helps students assess their study needs through pretests, post-test, personalized learning plans and How Do I Prepare, which aides students in basic math, chemistry and graphing review; and InfoTrac College Edition, a library of full text articles; PowerLecture for Miller’s Environmental Science, 11th Edition. This one-stop PowerPoint Tool contains robust, preloaded PowerPoint lecture images organized by every chapter. PowerLecture contains: animations that bring key topics and concepts to life; a slide-sorting view for each chapter that lets you select, copy and paste slides into your PowerPoint lecture; the ability to select a piece of a figure and enlarge it; labels in text boxes that you can edit, remove, or present one label at a time; quick access to animations and videos--if a PowerPoint slide contains a green button, just click on it to show a related animation; Instructor’s Manual and associated chapter outlines; and Test Bank--a complete electronic file of test items. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences
Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences
Scientists have long sought to unravel the fundamental mysteries of the land, life, water, and air that surround us. But as the consequences of humanity's impact on the planet become increasingly evident, governments are realizing the critical importance of understanding these environmental systemsâ€"and investing billions of dollars in research to do so. To identify high-priority environmental science projects, Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences explores the most important areas of research for the next generation. The book's goal is not to list the world's biggest environmental problems. Rather it is to determine areas of opportunity thatâ€"with a concerted investmentâ€"could yield significant new findings. Nominations for environmental science's "grand" challenges were solicited from thousands of scientists worldwide. Based on their responses, eight major areas of focus were identifiedâ€"areas that offer the potential for a major scientific breakthrough of practical importance to humankind, and that are feasible if given major new funding. The book further pinpoints four areas for immediate action and investment.
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Environmental Science
Environmental Science
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Environmental Science for Beginners
Environmental Science for Beginners
Welcome to the forefront of knowledge with Cybellium, your trusted partner in mastering the cutting-edge fields of IT, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Business, Economics and Science. Designed for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike, our comprehensive books empower you to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital world. * Expert Insights: Our books provide deep, actionable insights that bridge the gap between theory and practical application. * Up-to-Date Content: Stay current with the latest advancements, trends, and best practices in IT, Al, Cybersecurity, Business, Economics and Science. Each guide is regularly updated to reflect the newest developments and challenges. * Comprehensive Coverage: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, Cybellium books cover a wide range of topics, from foundational principles to specialized knowledge, tailored to your level of expertise. Become part of a global network of learners and professionals who trust Cybellium to guide their educational journey.
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Basics of Environmental Science
Basics of Environmental Science
The new edition of this popular student text offers an engaging introduction to environmental study. It covers the entire breadth of the environmental sciences, providing concise, non-technical explanations of physical processes and systems and the effects of human activities. In this second edition the scientific background to major environmental issues is clearly explained. These include: * global warming * genetically modified foods * desertification * acid rain * deforestation * human population growth * depleting resources * nuclear power generation * descriptions of the 10 major biomes. Special student text features include illustrations and explanatory diagrams, boxed case studies, concepts and definitions.
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Environmental Science for AP®
Environmental Science for AP®
Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP®Second Edition, is designed to help you realize success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and need. In the new edition, each chapter is broken into short, manageable modules to help students learn at an ideal pace. Do the Math boxes review quantitative skills and offer you a chance to practice the math you need to know to succeed. Module AP® Review questions, Unit AP® Practice Exams, and a full length cumulative AP® Practice test offer unparalleled, integrated support to prepare you for the real AP® Environmental Science exam in May.
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