One World Under One God
"My only fear of death is that I come back reincarnated knowing what I know now..." Tupac Shakur What If some of The Greatest and Most Infl uential People Ever to Live came back to Life?? What If the biblical prophecy of the Book of Revelations happened during our lifetime?? What If there really was an Antichrist self-appointed by The Devil himself to help aide in his evil conquest of the World?? What If this Antichrist became the possessor of the omnipotent Spear of Destiny?? What If our "Heavenly Creator" knew of Satan's evil plot all along and therefore plotted two steps ahead of the Master Trickster?? What If our "Heavenly Creator" personally sent some of The Greatest and Most Infl uential People Ever to Live on a Tormentous, Undercover Mission to Help Save our World?????? Heavenly Angels, Satan and his Massive Demon Army, FreeMasons, A Beautiful Egyptian Seductress, Texas Prison Gangs, Skyscraping Giants, Fireworks at New Cowboys Stadium, A Powerful ex- Roman Dictator, Savage Lycan's, Bloodthirsty Vampires, The Greatest Master Swordsman Ever, A Renewed Secret Love Affair, FreeNation Conquest of the 1970's, A Talk with Jesus, Damnated Human Canibals, A Scorching Hot Science Professor, The Underworld's Infamous "Helluseum", The Paradisal Garden of Eden, The Biggest Social Media Hacking Ever, The Last Supper, The Truth Behind the Kennedy Assassination, The Beginning of The New Age Revolutions, Legendary Rock N Roll Icon's, Flying Witches with Black Magic, Three Very Wise Men, The Legendary One Percenters Famillia, and the One Man that's Ultimately Destined to Lead in the Human Effort to Save the Planet are just a handful of the many fascinating people and events included in Vol. 1 of this Sci-Fy, Religious/Historical-Fiction 3-part series. Beginning December 25, 2012, "One World Under God Vol 1. Operation: Natural Born Hero" eventually takes you back 49 years to the Tragic Death, The 7 Year Reincarnation, and eventual rise of the free-spirited 23 year old man that's inevitably destined to become Team Leader in the "Heavenly Creator's" Final Operation to take down Satan and his Evil Army Once and for All!!!! San