Christian Or Jehovah's Witness? the Undisputable Truth
This book is a comparison of two of the most well-known religious groups in the world. Christianity and Jehovah's Witness. It will be using passages from the King James Version (Christian Bible), the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Jehovah's Witness version of the Bible), and the original Greek language to cross-reference and see what is "truth" and to prove that which is "false." The main purpose for using the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in several areas of this book, is to address the reader that if the Jehovah's Witness version has passages that agree with that of the Christian Bible, then Jehovah's Witnesses would need to change several of their key theological viewpoints since Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be Christians as well. However, the Jehovah's Witness organization does not agree with several theological viewpoints of biblical Christianity, so that is what this study will fully breakdown. Included, is a two-part bonus section. The titles include "Did You Know We are Living in the Last Days? and "How to Become a Christian." The first part is a full breakdown of the Daniel 9 Prophecy concerning 70 weeks of years. So from around 465 BC until today, there's been a lot that has taken place. The purpose in writing this book is to educate the readers on information that they may not have known about or perhaps had an idea as a result of what has been taught to them or by what they have heard, and just needed some additional clarity to help them along the way. For the Christian, this is mainly a self-help tool to use as a reference whether it is used for witnessing to someone, further expanding their spiritual and biblical knowledge, or even speaking to Jehovah's Witnesses. However, my ultimate purpose in writing this book is to win someone's soul over to Christ, whether Jehovah's Witness or someone who doesn't even know Christ at all. I just want to be the one who plants the seed, allowing God to be the One who causes the seed to grow.