Name of Jesus
The Names of Jesus Pamphlet is an excellent way to help you learn the names, characteristics and attributes of Jesus Christ. This Names of Jesus Bible chart gives Christ's names along with the symbolism, in-depth meaning, related titles and attributes, and more. 50 Names of Jesus Jesus' names hold special insights that will strengthen your walk as a believer. By reading this booklet, in about 30 minutes, you will know the Christ's names along with Scripture references from both the Old and New Testament, the meaning of each name, and why it is so important to believers. Knowing and understanding the names of Jesus will enrich your quiet time, and will help you build faith and trust in the Lord. Names of Jesus makes an excellent Bible Study or adult Sunday school lesson. 12 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 33 inches long In this easy-to-follow pamphlet, each of Jesus' names and its meaning is listed, along with the Bible reference and special insights. For example, in John 6:32-35, Jesus is called the "Bread of Life, which means "Jesus is our sustenance." An interesting fact is that the name of the town where Jesus was born, Bethlehem, means "the house of bread." This means the "Bread of Life" (Jesus) was born in "the house of bread" (Bethlehem). A Few of the Names of JesusKing of KingsLord of LordsGood ShepherdChief CornerstoneAdvocateThe Way, the Truth, and the LifeI AMWonderful CounselorHigh PriestIn addition to explaining the names of Jesus and their meanings, the Names of Jesus pamphlet offers suggestions on how to use this resource during times of prayer, praise, worship and personal reflection, including: What it means to pray in Jesus' namePraying the way Jesus taught us to prayWhen God says "no" to our prayersThe Names of Jesus pamphlet also includes names of God with parallel verses referring to Jesus such as: Yahweh-Yireh, "God Will Provide," and "I am the bread of life," (John 6:35)Yahweh-Tsidkanu, "The Lord Our Righteousness," and "Because of Jesus, we are righteous before God," (2 Corinthians 5:21)The Names of Jesus pamphlet is filled with interesting information on Jesus that will help you learn more about Him and increase your appreciation of Him. You are sure to refer to this resource often as you study the Bible and learn more about Jesus.