The Little Red Writing Book
For Writing Aficionados from All Walks of Life! This book is based on a simple but powerful observation: Students and young professionals who develop outstanding writing skills do so primarily by mastering a limited number of the most important writing principles, which they use over and over again. What are these recurring principles? The answer to this question is the basis of this material. A wealth of examples, charts, and engaging exercises makes The Little Red Writing Book an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to master those skills that will make a good writer even better. This book is suitable for high school and college students wanting to master the basics of expository writing, as well as any individual wanting to improve his or her core essential writing skills. Topics covered include: Part I – Structure: 1. Write With a Top-Down Approach, 2. Break Things Down, 3. Use Transition Words, 4. Review the Six Basic Writing Structures, 5. Keep Like Things Together Part II – Style: 6. Support What You Say, 7. Personalize Your Examples, 8. Keep It Simple, 9. Cut Down Long Sentences, 10. Eliminate Needless Words, 11. Gain Active Power, 12. Favor Verbs, Not Nouns, 13. Use Parallel Forms 14. Capitalize on Sentence Variety, 15. Choose an Appropriate Tone, 16. Keep Your Writing Gender Neutral Part III – Readability: 17. Capitalize on Layout and Design, 18. Employ Readability Tools, 19. Use Headings and Headlines, 20. Go Back and Rework Your Writing "The articulate exposition of Royal s twenty principles of writing fit neatly into 138 short, accessible (paperback) pages. I recommend this wonder to all my writing students. Perhaps one day writing committees will wisely follow suit and make this a primary text for all writing courses at their schools." —Ray Turner, B.A., MA (Communications), Writing Instructor and Former Educational Administrator, Corpus Christi TX, USA