The Complete Encyclopedia of Signs & Symbols
Symbols can be as graphic as a cross, square or circle, or they can be conceptual representations of themes such as the soul, resurrection, love or desire. The meaning of these signs and symbols, whether simple icon or abstract concept, is complex and diverse, and depends on many variables. Over 1600 symbols and signs are covered in this comprehensive volume, analysing the definitions and interpretations that have been made across the boundaries of time, culture and tradition. The book discusses how signs and symbols have been interpreted and represented by humanity through thousands of years of art, mythology and religion: from cave paintings and Aboriginal dreamtime to computer iconography; from the Sumerians to the Rosicrucians; and from the alchemists' Philosopher's Stone to the archetypes of Freud and Jung. With a broad perspective the text brings together psychological, mythological, religious, literary and artistic insights to explore how these concepts can summarize or explain our common and yet diverse human experience. The structure of the book is thematic, so that related symbols are complemented and contrasted, giving a unique guide to their cross-cultural aspects. There are also in-depth features on some of the most important symbols of all, including the wheel, the labyrinth, the cross, the gateway, the snake and the tree of life. Lavishly illustrated with artworks, fine art paintings and contemporary photography, this fascinating book contains a vast source of images and an erudite and informative text that will inform any scholar, seeker, dream-reader, alchemist, magician, psychological historian, astrologer or pyschotherapist.