Social and Emotional Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
Research is increasingly showing the effects of family, school, and culture on the social, emotional and personality development of children. Much of this research concentrates on grade school and above, but the most profound effects may occur much earlier, in the 0-3 age range. This volume consists of focused articles from the authoritative Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development that specifically address this topic and collates research in this area in a way that isn't readily available in the existent literature, covering such areas as adoption, attachment, birth order, effects of day care, discipline and compliance, divorce, emotion regulation, family influences, preschool, routines, separation anxiety, shyness, socialization, effects of television, etc. This one volume reference provides an essential, affordable reference for researchers, graduate students and clinicians interested in social psychology and personality, as well as those involved with cultural psychology and developmental psychology. - Presents literature on influences of families, school, and culture in one source saving users time searching for relevant related topics in multiple places and literatures in order to fully understand any one area - Focused content on age 0-3- save time searching for and wading through lit on full age range for developmentally relevant info - Concise, understandable, and authoritative for immediate applicability in research