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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
This engaging and readable text treats students as active information processors rather than passive responders. Payne and Wenger use high-interest research topics, applied experiments, and student-centered learning tools to present their complex subject matter in a way that encourages students to learn.
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology provides student readers with essential help with all aspects of their first course in cognitive psychology, including advice on revising for exams, preparing and writing course assessment materials, and enhancing and progressing their knowledge and skills in line with course requirements on a cognitive psychology course. The Companion is designed to augment, rather than replace, existing textbooks for the course, providing: - Helpful summaries of the course curriculum to aid lecture notes, seminars and written assignments - Key summaries of the approach taken by the main cognitive psychology textbooks - Guidance on the essential study skills required - Help with developing critical thinking - Route-maps to aid the development of wider learning above and beyond textbooks - Pointers to success in course exams - A tutor′s-eye view of what course examiners are looking for - An insider′s view of what key course concepts are really all about
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
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Test Yourself: Cognitive Psychology
Test Yourself: Cognitive Psychology
Test Yourself: Cognitive Psychology provides essential learning and practice through assessment for your psychology students. It enables year 1 and 2 undergraduates to assess their confidence and competence and tackle the types of questions they will face in their formal university examinations. The book includes over 200 multiple-choice and extended multiple-choice questions, carefully designed to assess depth of knowledge. At the end of each chapter sample essay questions are provided, along with guidance, to complement the multiple-choice questions and further test understanding. In addition, information is provided to help students make sense of their results and identify strengths and weaknesses.
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Cognitive PsychologyApplying The Science Of The Mind
Cognitive PsychologyApplying The Science Of The Mind
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind combines clear yet rigorous descriptions of key empirical findings and theoretical principles with frequent real-world examples, strong learning pedagogy, and a straightforward organization. For undergraduate courses in cognitive psychology. Engagingly written, the text weaves five empirical threads — neuroscience, consciousness, individual differences, development, and culture — throughout the text to help students integrate the material. The text’s organization offers an intuitive description of cognition that enhances student understanding by organizing chapters around the flow of a piece of information that enters the cognitive system. Available with MyPsychLab!
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
1 How the Brain Gives Rise to the Mind 2 Perception 3 Attention 4 Representation and Knowledge in Long-Term Memory 5 Encoding and Retrieval from Long-Term Memory 6 Working Memory 7 Executive Processes 8 Emotion and Cognition 9 Decision Making 10 Problem Solving and Reasoning 11 Motor Cognition and Mental Simulation 12 Language.
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology: Theory, Process, and Methodology engages students in the key topics of study by making connections to situations and encounters in their day-to-day lives. The Third Edition features new research and citations, a new chapter on cognitive development, and a fully executed plan to include more diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout.
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Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies critically reflects upon 15 of the most influential cognitive psychology papers ever published by researchers such as Chomsky, Loftus, Tulving, and Stroop. This book will familiarise you with the classic studies and show you how they have influenced subsequent research, right up to the present day. This second edition has been updated in light of new research and now contains comments from the living classic researchers on the chapters about their work. This book is ideal for those studying cognitive psychology at the undergraduate level. Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research have advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Michael W. Eysenck is Emeritus Professor at the University of Roehampton and Emeritus Professor and Honorary Fellow at Royal Holloway University of London. David Groome was Senior Academic and Head of the Psychology Department at the University of Westminster, London.
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Frontiers in Cognitive Psychology
Frontiers in Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology deals with information processing, and includes a variety of thinking processes including perception, attention, memory, knowledge representation, categorisation, language, problem-solving, reasoning, and judgement. It is also concerned with the structures and representations involved in cognition. Cognitive psychology has significant applications of all areas of human endeavour. It is also the subject of intensive study when applied to health and ageing in the absence of a significant health problem as well as education and human-computer interaction. Other examples are eyewitness memory, autobiographical memory, spatial cognition, skill training, suggestibility , expertise and skilled behaviour.
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