Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant - E-Book
An indispensable companion to the 3rd Edition of The Administrative Dental Assistant, this workbook combines textbook content and key objectives with new practice exercises, case scenarios, and critical thinking questions to help put your learning into practical context. This edition also includes an interactive demo CD with the latest version of the Dentrix Learning Edition practice management software to give you valuable experience working in a realistic dental office environment and a more accurate understanding of the challenges that administrative dental assistants encounter on the job. Trusted author Linda Gaylor taps into her years of experience as a practicing dental assistant, an instructor of dental assisting, and a curriculum director to share all the necessary knowledge and skills required to be a successful administrative dental assistant. Correlation with the textbook enables you to follow along every step of the way to ensure comprehension before moving forward. Case scenarios with questions encourage you to apply what you have learned within the textbook to solve everyday office dilemmas. Objective-style review questions include multiple-choice, short-answer, essay, and fill-in-the-blank to prepare you for examinations. Puzzles offer a fun and interactive way for you to master vocabulary. Chapter overviews recap chapter content, provide examples of why content is relevant in real-world practice, and set the stage for workbook questions and exercises. Learning objectives serve as checkpoints for comprehension, skills mastery, and readiness for examinations. Appendix forms familiarize you with the type of forms found in today's dental office. New content reflects the move toward the paperless dental office and new technology in the industry, specifically in the areas of scheduling, bookkeeping, electronic record regulations, and insurance coding. Original practice exercises, designed to be used in conjunction with the practice management software, expose you to a more realistic dental office environment. What Would You Do? scenarios mimic the types of issues you will deal with in practice and encourage you to put your knowledge to work on realistic situations. Additional artwork acquaints you with the technology you will use before beginning work in the dental office. Dentrix Learning Edition practice management software offers a flexible range of options to help you learn the ins and outs of a professional practice management software program and fully prepare you for work in an actual dental office.