Entertainment Law and Business
Designed to provide a business basis for legal applications, Entertainment Law and Business provides a practical approach to learning the law that applies to the entertainment industry, and covers the processes involved from submitting an idea to creating an actual product. The book includes the most up-to-date material along with the seminal cases that have shaped the industry. Organized by substantive areas of law and by business practice areas so that an instructor can use the book in a survey course or for a specialty seminar, this casebook will reflect the business-driven nature of the Entertainment Law course area. Professors and students will benefit from: Recent cases and articles Primary cases edited to include only pertinent facts, law, and reasoning for the outcome Notes which include both practical information about the case and additional information to enhance the understanding of the reasoning Discussion questions Organization by substantive areas of law and by business practice areas Flexibility—an instructor can use the book in a survey course or for a specialty seminar Experienced authors: William Henslee received an M.F.A. from UCLA film school and has practical entertainment experience. As a principal in the firm of Henslee and Weisberger, he has represented clients in the music and sports industries. Elizabeth Henslee is a former clerk for 5th District Court of Appeal, law librarian, and wrote “one of the best law review articles related to entertainment, publishing and/or the arts published within the last year” in 2015 (voted by Thomson). She is the owner of October Boys Entertainment, LLC., a company primarily engaged in music publishing. Online companion materials, including updates of recent cases and links to supplemental videos and websites that follow the text. Teaching materials include: Teacher’s Manual, including additional reading suggestions and film, television, music, and websites to enhance the text. The Manual will explain the authors’ reasons for including the case in the text and provide contextual background information when helpful. Sample syllabi