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Plants and Microclimate
Plants and Microclimate
An authoritative introduction to plant responses and adaptation to the aerial environment, ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
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Perspectives on Web Services
Perspectives on Web Services
With a Foreword by Grady Booch
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Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications
Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications
Modern data analysis stands at the interface of statistics, computer science, and discrete mathematics. This volume describes new methods in this area, with special emphasis on classification and cluster analysis. Those methods are applied to problems in information retrieval, phylogeny, medical diagnosis, microarrays, and other active research areas.
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Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space
Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space
In 28 papers, researchers from a wide spectrum of disciplines--including geography, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, mathematics, and engineering--deal with aspects of understanding geographic space. Each discipline, and each individual, views the problem in a different way and from a unique vantage point. The papers are arranged within six sections: geographic space, cultural influences on the conceptualization of geographic space, wayfinding and spatial cognition, cartographic perspectives, formal treatment of space in mathematics, and user interfaces and human- computer interaction. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. & Isaac Levi
Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. & Isaac Levi
The aim of this series is to inform both professional philosophers and a larger readership (of social and natural scientists, methodologists, mathematicians, students, teachers, publishers, etc.) about what is going on, who's who, and who does what in contemporary philosophy and logic. PROFILES is designed to present the research activity and the results of already outstanding personalities and schools and of newly emerging ones in the various fields of philosophy and logic. There are many Festschrift volumes dedicated to various philosophers. There is the celebrated Library of Living Philosophers edited by P. A. Schilpp whose format influenced the present enterprise. Still they can only cover very little of the contemporary philosophical scene. Faced with a tremendous expansion of philosophical information and with an almost frightening division oflabor and increas ing specialization we need systematic and regular ways of keeping track of what happens in the profession. PROFILES is intended to perform such a function. Each volume is devoted to one or several philosophers whose views and results 'are presented and discussed. The profiled philosopher(s} will summarize and review his (their) own work in the main fields of signifi cant contribution. This work will be discussed and evaluated by invited contributors. Relevant historical and/or biographical data, an up-to-date bibliography with short abstracts of the most important works and, whenever possible, references to significant reviews and discussions will also be included.
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Philosophy and Geometry
Philosophy and Geometry
Philosophers have studied geometry since ancient times. Geometrical knowledge has often played the role of a laboratory for the philosopher's conceptual experiments dedicated to the ideation of powerful theories of knowledge. Lorenzo Magnani's new book Philosophy and Geometry illustrates the rich intrigue of this fascinating story of human knowledge, providing a new analysis of the ideas of many scholars (including Plato, Proclus, Kant, and Poincaré), and discussing conventionalist and neopositivist perspectives and the problem of the origins of geometry. The book also ties together the concerns of philosophers of science and cognitive scientists, showing, for example, the connections between geometrical reasoning and cognition as well as the results of recent logical and computational models of geometrical reasoning. All the topics are dealt with using a novel combination of both historical and contemporary perspectives. Philosophy and Geometry is a valuable contribution to the renaissance of research in the field.
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Water Use Efficiency for Irrigated Turf and Landscape
Water Use Efficiency for Irrigated Turf and Landscape
Achieving high water use efficiency in maintaining turf, trees and landscape areas is a core responsibility of open space managers. Water Use Efficiency for Irrigated Turf and Landscape provides a logical and scientifically sound approach to irrigation in urban areas in Australia. It is based on green space delivering defined outcomes using the principles of water sensitive urban design and irrigation efficiency. The book covers all stages of the water pathway - from the source to delivery into the plant root zone. Major topics include system planning, estimating water demand, water quality, irrigation systems, soil management and irrigation performance evaluation. Clearly presented explanations are included, as well as line drawings and worked examples, and a plant water use database covering more than 250 plant species. A Water Management Planning template is included to guide water managers and operators through a process that will deliver a sound plan to achieve sustainable turf, urban trees and landscapes. Best Management Practice Irrigation principles are outlined and their implementation in open space turf and landscape situations is explained. The benefits and limitations of the various methods of delivering water to plants are covered, together with case studies and guidelines for specific horticultural situations. Methodologies to evaluate irrigated sites are included along with recommended benchmark values. The book presents the latest irrigation technology, including developments in water application, control technology and environmental sensors such as weather stations, soil moisture sensors and rain sensors.
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Non-Linear Raman Spectroscopy and Its Chemical Aplications
Non-Linear Raman Spectroscopy and Its Chemical Aplications
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Bad Windsheim, Germany, August 23-September 3, 1982
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Tree Roots in the Built Environment
Tree Roots in the Built Environment
This publication sets out a comprehensive review of tree root biology and covers a broad range of practical issues that need to be considered in order to grow trees successfully in our towns and cities and to realise the significant benefits they provide in built environments. Topics covered include: soil condition and roots; improving tree root growth in urban soils; water supply and drought amelioration for amenity trees; coping with soil contamination; protecting trees during excavation and good trenching practice; control of damage to tree roots on construction sites; tree root damage to buildings and pavements, sewers, drains and pipes; research needs and sustainability issues.
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