William Harwood Catalogue
Catalogue of publications and excerpts of Dr. William Harwood. PRAISE FOR WILLIAM HARWOOD'S BOOKS: THE FULLY TRANSLATED BIBLE: "As if translating a bible bigger than any now in use were not a great enough achievement in its own right, Harwood has rendered serious students and critics of Christian scripture a magnificent further service: he has scrupulously avoided the deliberate mistranslations that have prevented readers from perceiving the true nature of the documents underlying the English prose." Frank Zindler, American Atheist. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF GOD: "It covers a surprising amount of ground, and does so remarkably fleetly. It will offend and annoy all religionists and, I suspect, a good number of humanists too. It is clever, tricky, learned, frequently foul-mouthed (mainly down to Yahweh), and very full of ideas, many of which are, to say the least, highly controversial." Norman Pridmore, Freethinker. UNCLE YESHU, MESSIAH: "Uncle Yeshu is not an admirable, or even a likeable person.... The story itself, however, is only a fraction of the wealth of information concerning the conditions, beliefs, and people of that long ago seething cauldron of ignorance, superstition, racism, hate, and fears." Jack Truett, Pagan Palaver.