William Willard
This collection contains documents and correspondence of or about William Willard, 1899-1912. Much of the correspondence was written by his lawyer, trustees, daughters, and former clients following his death. There are requests for Willard to paint portraits in 1901 as well as printed lists of his works and statements signed by him late in 1904 verifying specific portraits as his work. The documents include a chattel-mortgate on his Sturbridge property, 1901, which was to be held in trust by his lawyer, Charles Taylor Tatman (1871-1945), and Stephen Salisbury (1835-1905). There is an inventory of his estate and many letters exchanged between Tatman and Willard's two daughters, Charlotte Maria Willard (1859- ) and Ann Elizabeth Willard Bryden (1850- )(Mrs. Edmund G.), concerning the details of a display of his works in the Worcester Art Museum and a subsequent auction to sell them in order to settle his encumbered estate. There are requests from people to purchase specific portraits, details of the portrait of Daniel Webster, and several claims against the estate.