"We'll drive through the South. You know, Faulkner, moss, mint juleps and madness. The sadness of an aristocracy gone deservedly to Hell. Then we'll pick up my boy, Sam by which time I will be a fully integrated and vital member of the human race and completely ready to take on my manly, paternal responsibilities. Then we'll bee-bop on down to N'Awlins and dance the wild Fandango with some crazy Cajun chicks. Under the light of a blue moon, fat with forgiveness. Cajun girls, Dave. Just think on't! We'll zip across Texas, pay homage to Buddy Holly's grave, slip slide into New Mexico, hook down some coyote....I mean....peyote...and cruise into Taos as the sun is cresting, gold and red, over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Blood of Christ Mountain! I am The Way. I am The Light. Follow me to Taos, Davey and be healed!"