Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk
For Randall McLean, talking about baseball is as easy as breathing. He can have a casual conversation with anybody on any baseball-related topic. As a baseball aficionado and researcher, Randall (nicknamed “Bando”) grew up around baseball, from playing Little League to coaching Little League. In “Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk”, Randall writes on a vast array of all things baseball and New York - from his trips to Cooperstown at the National Baseball Hall of Fame, to his adventurous first and subsequent trips to New York City, including his experience during 9/11. He not only walks you through written historical achievements, but also his own personal baseball stories, which is reflected through his poetry. From his insightful humor and personal viewpoints into baseball, his passion for the game shows through in his writings, not only for the experienced baseball fan, but for those who want to cherish and celebrate history. His love for the sport has inspired him to write “Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk”, his first written homage to the sport. Randall lives with his wife outside Vancouver, British Columbia. For more information, visit: