The Clinical Placement
The Clinical Placement: An Essential Guide for Nursing Students 2e is a unique text designed to guide nursing students throughout their clinical placement journey. The text introduces foundational knowledge in early chapters while later chapters address more complex issues and are deliberately designed to challenge and inspire students to excel. The book is premised on the belief that the ultimate goal of clinical education is the development of nurses who are confident and competent beginning practitioners. The book's interactive style and 'plain English' language will engage with active readers and encourage them to integrate the material into their practice. It will cause students to think deeply and critically about important professional and clinical issues. . Stories and scenarios help students relate theory to the reality of practice . 'Something to think about ' boxes provide words of wisdom and a wealth of valuable advice . 'Student experience' sections allow the voice of students to be clearly heard . Reflective thinking activities encourage self-assessment and experiential learning The first edition of this book has proven to be valuable in assisting nursing students to use their clinical placements as opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and understandings that underpin quality practice, and to appreciate the clinical environment for the wonderful learning experience that it provides. The second edition has a new and fresh appeal. Much of the original has been revised but a number of new sections have also been added to address contemporary issues such as patient safety, clinical reasoning, therapeutic communication, interprofessional communication, clinical handover, emotional intelligence, information and communication technology, and social networking. The new edition builds on the strengths of the text by including issues of relevance to the New Zealand health care context. The new edition also discusses topical issues such as national registration and refers to the most recent professional standards and codes of practice. There is greater attention to cultural safety and a new section on Indigenous health. Chapter 6 has been expanded with a number of new clinical specialties profiled, for example: . Drug and alcohol nursing . Emergency nursing . International nursing