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Musculoskeletal Imaging E-Book
Musculoskeletal Imaging E-Book
In its fully revised and updated second edition, Musculoskeletal Imaging covers every aspect of musculoskeletal radiology. This medical reference book incorporates the latest diagnostic modalities and interventional techniques, as well as must-read topics such as hip, groin and cartilage imaging; newly described impingements; and new concepts in the hip including teres ligament pathology. This publication is a key title in the popular Expert Radiology Series, which delivers evidence-based expert guidance from around the globe. Fully understand each topic with a format that delivers essential background information. Streamline the decision-making process with integrated protocols, classic signs, and ACR guidelines, as well as a design that structures every chapter consistently to include pathophysiology, imaging techniques, imaging findings, differential diagnosis, and treatment options. Write the most comprehensive reports possible with help from boxes highlighting what the referring physician needs to know, as well as suggestions for treatment and future imaging studies. Access in-depth case studies, valuable appendices, and additional chapters covering all of the most important musculoskeletal procedures performed today. Quickly locate important information with a full-color design that includes color-coded tables and bulleted lists highlighting key concepts, as well as color artwork that lets you easily find critical anatomic views of diseases and injuries. Engage with more than 40 brand-new videos, including arthroscopic videos. Easily comprehend complicated topics with over 5,000 images and new animations. Explore integrated clinical perspectives on the newest modalities such as PET-CT in cancer, diffusion MR, as well as ultrasonography, fusion imaging, multi-slice CT and nuclear medicine. Learn from team of international experts provides a variety of evidence-based guidance, including the pros and cons of each modality, to help you overcome difficult challenges. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader.
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Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
Links information on experimental teratogenic agents with the congenital defects in human beings.
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Lafayette's Lexington, Kentucky
Lafayette's Lexington, Kentucky
The thriving heart of Kentucky, Lexington grew to its present stature from humble roots as a quiet agricultural town. During the pivotal years from Prohibition and the Great Depression through World War II, Lexington experienced unprecedented growth, hard times, and recovery.
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Jesus and the Victory of God
Jesus and the Victory of God
Shows how the questions posed by Albert Schweitzer a century ago remain central today; sketches a profile of Jesus in terms of his prophetic praxis, his subversive stories, his symbology and the answers he gave to key questions, in a debate-igniting examination of Jesus' aims and beliefs, argued on the basis of his actions and their accompanying riddles. Reprint.
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The Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets
In this unique introduction to the Minor Prophets, two biblical scholars survey the twelve books and explore the theological themes of each. Filled with helpful exegetical insights, this books is an invaluable guide for students, pastors, and scholars looking for a cohesive exploration of these often-overlooked books of the Hebrew Bible.
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U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin
Deformation Quadrangle, 1n the Stensgar Mountain Stevens County, Washington By James G. Evans Abstract Most deformation of the Middle and Late Proterozoic (Deer Trail and Windermere Groups) and Lower Cambrian (Addy Quartzite and Old Dominion Limestone) rocks in the Stensgar Mountain quadrangle occurred during the Mesozoic (pre-Late Jurassic, possibly Early Jurassic or Triassic), in con- nection with duplex thrusting. The principal deformation occurred in stages that generally involved: (1) thrusting, (2) penetrative dynamothermal metamorphism in the greenschist facies, and (3) renewed thrusting. The initial thrusting may have included formation of the duplex fault zone, moderate tilting of the sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and possibly low-grade metamorphism. The dynamothermal metamorphism resulted in development of a slaty cleavage that dips steeply west, as well as numerous minor and a few large folds that plunge at low to moderate angles, generally north. The folds have axial planes parallel to cleavage. Clasts in conglomerates were flattened parallel to cleavage, and their long axes were aligned north-northeastward, subparallel to fold axes. This extension direction parallels the trend of the Kootenay arc, a relation not typical of orogenic belts. The dynamothermal metamorphism included coaxial compressive pulses separated by periods of stress relaxation. The penetra- tive deformation could have been accompanied by slip on preexisting faults, including a large strike-slip component for the roof (Stensgar Mountain thrust) and floor (Lane Mountain thrust) thrusts of the duplex fault zone. Later movements along these roof and floor thrusts and connecting splays are suggested by nonfolded traces of the faults and the faulted, dynamothermally metamorphosed cataclasite adjacent to the Lane Mountain thrust. The penetrative deformation that affected the Stensgar Mountain quadrangle also affected the rest of northeastern Washington and southeastern British Columbia; it may have been the result of oblique convergence during Mesozoic subduction.
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Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels
The second title in a proposed five-volume work; volume two, following on from the volume on Mark's Gospel, concentrates on Matthew's Gospel. Contributors consider the function of embedded scripture texts in the context of the Gospels written and read/heard in their early Christian settings. The project is wide ranging, with essays on the function of scripture in the compositional history of the gospels and the collection is broad in scope as a result of current interest in the integration of methods (especially historical and narrative ones). Advancements over the last 20 years in the study of genre and narrative criticism have left a void in the study of the function of embedded biblical texts in the Gospels. This collection of essays will move the study of scripture within scripture forwards.
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Excavations at Sepphoris
Excavations at Sepphoris
This volume concerns the excavations at ancient Sepphoris, Israel, from 1983 to 1987. It contains a detailed report on the history of the site from ancient literary sources, a history of excavations and investigations, a report of the excavations against the tower ("the Citadel"), a report of other 5 x 5 m. probes near the Citadel, and eight 5 x 5 meter areas excavated in a building called a "church" or "basilica" in 1931, but now known to be a villa. The narrative incorporates details of small finds, coins, and pottery, with pottery drawings and architectural and stratigraphic drawings. The usefulness of the book is in reporting the archaeological data and integrating the archaeology into the ancient history of the city and of Galilee, of ancient Judaism, and of ancient Christianity.
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Louisiana Reports
Louisiana Reports
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General Thoracic Surgery
General Thoracic Surgery
Long considered the bible of thoracic surgery, this comprehensive two-volume textbook guides you through virtually every open and endoscopic surgical technique with expert commentary by the leaders in thoracic surgery from around the world. Coverage includes extensive sections on lung cancer and other pulmonary tumors. All facets of thoracic disease are covered from anatomy and embryology to diagnostics, including extensive radiological sections. Multidisciplinary contributions on medical treatment, radiation oncology, and surgery and anesthesia are included. Highlights include new material on minimally invasive procedures and thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment information. Operative checklists are included in procedural chapters, and procedures are presented as bulleted to-do lists wherever possible. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text with all images and video clips of selected procedures.
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