Mealtimes & Memories
MEALTIME & MEMORIES is a unique approach to writing a cookbook. It offers over 500 wonderful recipes but that's not all! It's entertaining! It's creative, it makes you smile & reflect about your own fond memories. IT'S ABOUT FAMILY, FRIENDS, HOME ON THE FARM, & LIFE IN THE ARMY, IN THE CITY, ON VACATION, & IN BUSINESS. It's written to preserve the past & present as it relates to food & the memories that surround it. People from all walks of life will enjoy reading this book & cooking from the recipes. TIPS? It's full of TLC tips! (Written by Thelma L. Carlile with Tender Loving Care). What kind of Tips! Tips to improve quality, reduce hassle, reduce fat, salt & sugar, enhance food's appeal, & make a regular meal special. Tips on attractive place settings on a low budget. Tips for stocking your kitchen with useful equipment & quality ingredients. Whether you have been cooking for years, or just learning your way around the kitchen, or use a cookbook for bedtime reading, MEALTIME & MEMORIES will fast become one of your favorites. For information or to order call or write: SunLine Inc., P.O. Box 1287, Big Spring, TX 79720. (915) 263-1281; FAX (915) 263- 3507.