ERISA Fiduciary Answer Book
Be aware of your fiduciary responsibilities and how to handle them safely with ERISA Fiduciary Answer Book . This expert reference book clearly explains every aspect of ERISA fiduciary duty, providing information, guidance, and advice on prohibited transactions, investments, fiduciary liability, IRS, DOL, and PBGC requirements, and more. A new chapter in the Fourth Edition, Chapter 12, Fiduciary Issues Unique to Health Care Plans, focuses on the increasingly urgent and complex fiduciary issues peculiar to such plans. it answers more than 400 fiduciary-related questions, including: When are attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professional service providers considered plan fiduciaries? What laws govern the conduct of fiduciaries? When is a fiduciary personally liable for a transaction prohibited by ERISA or the Internal Revenue Code? May a plan release a fiduciary from liability? What is the legal distinction between 'substantive prudence' and 'procedural prudence'? May a fiduciary face criminal liability for a breach of fiduciary duty?