Best of Communities: XII. Cohousing Compilation
XII. Cohousing Compilation Within the neighborhood of intentional communities, cohousing is the new kid on the block, imported to North America from Denmark in the late 1980s. There are now more than 140 cohousing groups built in the US, with many more on the drawing boards. Cohousing is a specific design that features concentrated small-footprint houses with a centrally located common house; the housing faces inward with parking on the perimeter. The neighborhood is democratically controlled by residents, and tends to have strong environmental and energy-conserving features. Over cohousing's first quarter century here, a lot has been learned about what's vibrant and what's clunky. The 16 articles in the Cohousing collection lay out both the joys and the warts; the trends and the mends. This Digital Issue on Cohousing includes the following articles: 1. The Face of Cohousing in 2005: Growing, Green, and Silver by Raines Cohen and Betsy Morris, #127 2. Joining a Cohousing Community: Risks and Rewards by Stephen Gold, #127 3. From Cohousing to Ecovillages: A Global Feminist Vision? by Hildur Jackson, #127 4. A "Green" Architect Falls in Love . . . with Frogsong Cohousing by Joseph F. Kennedy, #127 5. Cohousing for Non-Cohousers, by Charlene DiCalogreo, #144 6. Potlucks: From Scarcity to Abundance, by Ken Cameron-Bell, #141 7. What We've Learned at Sharingwood Cohousing by Rob Sandelin, #85 8. What Do You Mean, 'Community'? (including Pioneer Valley: Members Leaving, New Members Joining, Peter Jessop, and Celebrate Milestones), by Shari Leach and Laird Schaub, #106 9. The Making of Senior Cohousing: The Story of Wolf Creek Lodge by Suzanne Marriott, #149 10. Unto the Second Generation: Can Cohousing Survive and Thrive? by Judith Bernstein, #152 11. Creating eCohousing by Vivian Vaillant, #156 12. Living the Questions by Coleen O'Connell, #156 13. New Beginnings at Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing by Pat Bryan, #157 14. Achieving Affordability with Cohousing by Joanna Winter and Charles Durrett, #158 15. Making Cohousing Affordable: Strategies and Successes by Betsy Morris, #158