Head Winds
WHAT THE HECK IS LIFE ALL ABOUT? Have you ever wondered? I know I have! It's like we all scurry about doing this and that - things that seem very important at the time, but which just boil down to us copying others. That realisation made me ask, "Why? Why don't we strive to be more unique?" To find the answer, I examined the adventures and events that have happened to me over the last fifty years. I looked back. And I realised that, like so many, I followed where, maybe, I should have lead. I went from a revhead to an airhead as the cover of this book suggests. Then I discovered the joy of writing. And now, after half a century, I'm looking ahead. I hope some of these musings strike a chord with you. We can't be the only ones wondering, "What the heck is life all about?"