Adventures in Theoretical Physics
During the period 1964OCo1972, Stephen L Adler wrote seminal papers on high energy neutrino processes, current algebras, soft pion theorems, sum rules, and perturbation theory anomalies that helped lay the foundations for our current standard model of elementary particle physics. These papers are reprinted here together with detailed historical commentaries describing how they evolved, their relation to other work in the field, and their connection to recent literature. Later important work by Dr Adler on a wide range of topics in fundamental theory, phenomenology, and numerical methods, and their related historical background, is also covered in the commentaries and reprints. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in the fields in which Dr Adler has worked, and for historians of science studying physics in the final third of the twentieth century, a period in which an enduring synthesis was achieved. Contents: Early Years, and Condensed Matter Physics; High Energy Neutrino Reactions, PCAC Relations, and Sum Rules; Anomalies: Chiral Anomalies and Their Nonrenormalization, Perturbative Corrections to Scaling, and Trace Anomalies to All Orders; Quantum Electrodynamics; Particle Phenomenology and Neutral Currents; Gravitation; Non-Abelian Monopoles, Confinement Models, and Chiral Symmetry Breaking; Overrelaxation for Monte Carlo and Other Algorithms; Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics, Trace Dynamics, and Emergent Quantum Theory; Where Next?. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in theoretical physics; historians and philosophers of science."