From Balls and Scoops to Hula Hoops
This book was created for the primary (K-3) physical education teacher. It presents a skills-based approach for teaching physical education using a variety of equipment and teaching strategies. The book provides all the necessary information to plan, organize, and implement a skills-based program. It includes a developmental assessment system and adaptations for children with special needs. The units, games, assessment rubrics, and adaptations contained in this book have been developed and field-tested over the past eighteen years in an elementary physical education program. Key features of the book include: § Set of systematic instructional units, organized around different types of equipment, that address the development of foundational physical skills though individual, partner, and group activities § Use of inexpensive, easily obtained equipment § Identification of motor, concept development, and social competence/academic support goals for each unit § Simple adaptations to maximize participation of all children for each unit § Set of non-competitive, complementary games that can be used to reinforce and extend the skills from the units and provide an opportunity for authentic assessment § Developmental, qualitative assessment rubrics to monitor skills acquisition and progress § Format that facilitates teacher lesson planning § Sample lesson plan and assessment grid