Green Bananas
Bill Atkinson was the front rider on a toboggan racing down a snow-covered hill in New York state. Four young men were enjoying an exhilarating ride in the crisp air when, suddenly, they careened into a tree¿the devastating collision broke Bill¿s neck. Coming out of a coma, Bill found himself in a hospital bed, unable to feel his body. Trapped, helpless and totally dependent on friends and family, he was to begin a 40-year saga that would include his becoming the first quadriplegic ordained as a priest in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church. He would go on to teach for many years at Monsignor Bonner High School in Upper Darby, PA¿in the suburbs of Philadelphia¿and provide counsel and inspiration to thousands of students...and he does so again in this wonderful book. Some had thought that Bill might become an athlete and that his brother, Al, might one day join the priesthood. A few years later, as Bill watched from his wheelchair, Al Atkinson, a superb linebacker, walked off the field of Super Bowl III having helped the New York Jets beat the mighty Baltimore Colts. Steve McWilliams volunteered to help Bill Atkinson. He thought that this good deed would give him ¿cred¿ with God¿if God existed¿and Steve was also too nice a guy to say ¿No¿ when a friend asked him to help out with the care of a ¿Father Bill.¿ After 18 years of visiting and helping, two days a week, with hardly a deep word spoken between them, Steve and Bill slowly began a conversation that would change both of their lives. They broke through a wall of silence¿that lack of deep communication which typifies the relationships between so many men¿and developed a true, nurturing friendship. It began with Bill¿s sharing of his poetry and ended with Steve¿s commitment to share his conversations with and love of this remarkable and inspiring Augustinian priest. This is not just a story for Catholics, although many will find their faith strengthened by the humility and wisdom of Father Bill. Others, who have doubted and felt that churchmen have strayed from the path of Christ, will find renewed hope and belief in their fellow man¿all of us will be inspired by a man who endured and accepted crushing adversity with rare courage and who said: Love God by loving your neighbor...¿Give and Receive Love¿ is the big Christian message¿the rest is just buildings and ceremonies...Love is our pipeline to the divine and God¿s waiting for us to ¿get that¿ one of these days...and in the meantime, he¿s being very patient with us! On dealing with an awful co-worker, he advised Steve to ¿Love him no matter what he did and you¿ll find peace; that¿s God¿s way. All of your anger is just going to make you sick. Give in to God¿s love, you¿ll be surprised what appears in your life.¿ That was Father Bill: Love & Acceptance personified.