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Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
El congreso Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) tendrá lugar del 4 al 6 de julio de 2022, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, España). Este congreso internacional se centra en avances dentro del campo de la Matemática discreta, incluyendo, de manera no exhaustiva: · Algoritmos y Complejidad · Combinatoria · Teoría de Códigos · Criptografía · Geometría Discreta y Computacional · Optimización Discreta · Teoría de Grafos · Problemas de localización discreta y temas relacionados Las ediciones anteriores de este evento se celebraros en Sevilla (2018) y Barcelona (2016), estos congresos heredan la tradición de las Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), el encuentro bienal en España en Matemática Discreta (desde 1998). Durante la celebración del congreso tendrán lugar cuatro conferencias plenarias, cuarenta y dos presentaciones orales y una sesión de once pósteres. Abstract The Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) will be held on July 4-6, 2022, at Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics, including (but not limited to): Algorithms and Complexity Combinatorics Coding Theory Cryptography Discrete and Computational Geometry Discrete Optimization Graph Theory Location and Related Problems The previous editions were held in Sevilla in 2018 and in Barcelona in 2016, inheriting the tradition of the Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), the Spanish biennial meeting (since 1998) on Discrete Mathematics. The program consists on four plenary talks, 42 contributed talks and a poster session with 11 contributions.
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Innovation Management
Innovation Management
As a consequence of social, technological, political and economic changes, the field of organizations management and engineering becomes highly complex, calling for more effective strategies. In this book, the authors discuss innovative technological resources and their implications on organizational policies, strategies, and flexibility, as well as on sustainable management.
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Administration and Taxation in Former Portuguese Africa
Administration and Taxation in Former Portuguese Africa
This book addresses a notable gap in the knowledge of Portuguese colonial administration and the policies implemented in the main territories of its ""third"" African empire: Angola, Mozambique and Guinea. In recent years, the question of colonial taxation has become a topic in the academic debate on colonial empires and has led to a comparative, long-term focus on its impact in African societies. Given that former Portuguese colonies in Africa have been largely absent from this debate, this bo ...
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Investing in carbon neutrality: Utopia or the new green wave?
Investing in carbon neutrality: Utopia or the new green wave?
The world’s agrifood systems are on the frontlines of climate change, both as a cause and a victim. The agrifood sector is increasingly being targeted and curbing emissions is becoming a key global investment and policy theme. 'Investing in carbon neutrality: utopia or the new green wave?' presents a comprehensive assessment of the key challenges and opportunities of carbon neutrality, and scopes out the road ahead for agrifood systems. It provides strategic insights on the actions needed to move the carbon neutrality agenda forward in terms of investment opportunities and public policy priorities, with important recommendations for development partners. This publication is part of the Directions in Investment series under the FAO Investment Centre's Knowledge for Investment (K4I) programme.
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The Dark Places of Business Enterprise
The Dark Places of Business Enterprise
This book considers Thorstein Veblen’s central preoccupation with the dark places of business enterprise, an integral part of the old institutional economics. Combining the contributions made by Karl William Kapp and Philip Mirowski, it proposes the systematization of an adjourned institutional theory of social costs of business enterprise useful for the analysis of contemporary crises. The Dark Places of Business Enterprise explores the research potential of the theory of social costs for the analysis of actual business behavior in the current globalized privatization regime. It begins with a detailed outline of Veblen’s critique of business enterprise and market competition before illustrating the methodical enrichment of this approach through Kapp’s work. Finally, it concludes by proposing the integration of the Veblenian-Kappian approach with Mirowski’s theory of markets and business doubt manufacture. The resulting theory of social costs will shed light on the ubiquitous business control of society under the now dominant computer-based technological infrastructure. This interdisciplinary foundation of the theory of social costs, encompassing knowledge from computer science and engineering to natural sciences, provides the tools required to analyze this great transformation.
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Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering
Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering
The book presents an overview of current research on biologically inspired autonomous robotics from the perspective of some of the most relevant researchers in this area. The book crosses several boundaries in the field of robotics and the closely related field of artificial life. The key aim throughout the book is to obtain autonomy at different levels. From the basic motor behavior in some exotic robot architectures right through to the planning of complex behaviors or the evolution of robot control structures, the book explores different degrees and definitions of autonomous behavior. These behaviors are supported by a wide variety of modeling techniques: structural grammars, neural networks, and fuzzy logic and evolution underlies many of the development processes. Thus this text can be used by scientists and students interested in these areas and provides a general view of the field for a more general audience.
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Neymar - Mon histoire
Neymar - Mon histoire
L’autobiographie officielle de Neymar. Il y a eu Pelé, Zico, Romario et Ronaldo. Aujourd’hui, la superstar du football brésilien se nomme Neymar. à seulement 22 ans, l’attaquant du FC Barcelone totalise déjà plus de 40 buts sous le maillot du Brésil. Durant la Coupe du monde 2014, sa blessure face à la Colombie a été vécue comme un drame national. Privé de son buteur vedette, le pays hôte a été humilié par l’Allemagne en demi-finales (7-1). Sans doute les dieux du football se sont-ils penchés sur le berceau de Neymar. Il possède tout : la vitesse, l’aisance technique, la qualité de dribble, l’efficacité face au but adverse. Comme son modèle Pelé, Neymar se fait connaître sous le maillot de Santos, où il effectue sa formation de 2003 à 2009. Passé professionnel, il obtient très vite ses premiers trophées : dans le championnat national avec trois titres consécutifs, la Coupe du Brésil en 2010, la Ligue des champions d’Amérique latine en 2011 et la Supercoupe en 2012. Son transfert au FC Barcelone en 2013 - pour 5 ans et 57 millions d’euros - l’a élevé au rang de star planétaire. Plébiscité par les supporters du monde entier, sollicité par les plus grandes marques, le Brésilien au look toujours très soigné compte désormais 50 millions de fans sur Facebook et 15 millions de followers sur Twitter. Il est l’égal d’un Leo Messi et d’un Cristiano Ronaldo. Dans ce livre, Neymar nous parle de la relation unique qu’il a nouée avec son père. Il évoque ses origines, livre ses souvenirs les plus personnels, explique son approche du jeu et retrace toutes les étapes qui ont façonné sa personnalité.".
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Teen Titans Spotlight
Teen Titans Spotlight
Written by Mark Sable Art by Ken Lashley, Carlos Magno and Jonathan Glapion Cover by Ken Lashley The 6-issue DC SPECIAL: CYBORG miniseries is collected in this new trade paperback spinning out of TEEN TITANS. Vic Stone has a new foe - one who was a friend, and has been turned into a killing machine by the mysterious Mr. Orr! Advance-solicited; on sale March 18 - 144 pg, FC, $19.99 US
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Decolonizing the Westernized University
Decolonizing the Westernized University
An underlying assumption undergirding institutions of higher education is that they serve as a means to upward socioeconomic mobility and, in turn, a way to address poverty that is tied to certain racialized/sexualized bodies. Although the education crisis is not an American or European problem in the geographic sense, but instead a global problem that plays itself out differentially across space and time, this volume focuses on the westernized university, in the US and abroad. It asks questions about what is westernized about the university, what its aims are, and how those who work in, through and outside these sites of knowledge production—with local or global social movements—can participate in the slow, careful process of decolonizing the westernized university. Decolonizing the Westernized University: Interventions in Philosophy of Education from Within and Without provides a sharper understanding of the crisis and the responses to the westernized university at multiple sites around the world. As an intervention in the philosophy of education discourse, which tends to assume the university is a neutral space, this collection will be of particular value to students and scholars working in philosophy of education, Latina/o philosophy, Africana philosophy, social epistemology, education, cultural studies, and ethnic studies, as well as to intellectual activists in the United States, south of the border, and around the world.
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