Helping Women Recover, Community Package, A Program for Treating Addiction (Package includes Facilitator's Guide, and A Woman's Journal)
A Step-by-Step Guide to a Powerful Process for Healing Women with Addiction While there is a wealth of material available for the treatment of addiction, most of the information is based on research focused on men-not women. Helping Women Recover fills this void and offers a program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of women who are addicted to alcohol and other drugs. The Helping Women Recover program offers counselors, mental health professionals, and program administrators the tools they need to implement this healing process in group therapy settings or with individual clients. "A clear and comprehensive guide. Covington provides addiction professionals with a precise and detailed curriculum based on her knowledge, caring, and years of experience addressing the special needs of addicted women."—Monessa Overby, vice president, clinical services, Betty Ford Center "An excellent tool for integrating women's issues with relapse prevention therapy. Helping Women Recover is practical, easy to use, and helps guide clinicians to work on the deeper recovery issues with addicted women."—Terence T. Gorski, founder, clinical director, National Relapse Prevention Certification School "A well-written, thorough, eminently practical, and wise curriculum for all women-therapists and clients, teachers and students. She combines a deep understanding of female psychology with the realities of male-oriented culture to create a supportive model that emphasizes positive self-exploration and discovery. Covington provides a detailed teaching map-what to say, when, and why. Novice and experienced counselors can run with this outstanding plan. Underlying the text is the assurance that the author understands women, what safety means to them, how important it is as a base for healing, and how to achieve it."—Stephanie Brown, director, The Addictions Institute and author of Treating Alcoholism "A comprehensive, practical, and extraordinarily valuable guide for anyone involved in creating, implementing, or facilitating women's treatment programs."—Janet L. Surrey, founding scholar, Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, Stone Center, Wellesley College "Helping Women Recover is vital to our work with the chemically dependent female-and there is no one who understands gender-specific work better than Stephanie Covington!" —Claudia Black, author of It Will Never Happen to Me "Helping Women Recover is an exciting curriculum for women in which the facilitator is given clear and detailed instructions. To participate in these sessions would be a healing and revealing experience."—Anne Geller, associate professor of clinical medicine, Columbia University and past president, American Society of Addiction Medicine