An Unbelievable Life
She counts Hollywood superstars and senior politicians among her closest friends. She's walked with wild lions in Africa and through the corridors of power in London's Houses of Parliament. Her philanthropic contributions have helped children in Third World countries learn to read, and exposed ongoing brutal atrocities against endangered big game by a former US President. She's piloted light aircraft, acted as special consultant to the British Government on an eleven billion pound per annum legislative reform, planned covert missions with ex Special Forces commandos into Africa, brought Saddam Hussein's personal pilot together with an ultra orthodox Israeli Rabbi in a peace initiative, dated multi-millionaires, authored the authorised biography of Australia's most private man, the original wild man and wildlife warrior Alby Mangels, dived with sharks, and survived the crazed assault of a "fatal attraction" psycho. Lynn Santer aka "Auntie Lynn" has indeed led an unbelievable life, so much so she rarely talks about it for fear people, well, wouldn't believe her. Never before has she openly spoken about the intimate details, and exposed all the evidence to back up her stories, as she does now to close friend and fellow author, Sandra L. Rogers.