Johns and Cunningham's The Physics of Radiology
The fifth edition of this respected book encompasses all the advances and changes that have been made since it was last revised. It not only presents new ideas and information, it shifts its emphases to accurately reflect the inevitably changing perspectives in the field engendered by progress in the understanding of radiological physics. The rapid development of computing technology in the three decades since the publication of the fourth edition has enabled the equally rapid expansion of radiology, radiation oncology, nuclear medicine and radiobiology. The understanding of these clinical disciplines is dependent on an appreciation of the underlying physics. The basic radiation physics of relevance to clinical oncology, radiology and nuclear medicine has undergone little change over the last 70 years, so much of the material in the introductory chapters retains the essential flavour of the fourth edition, updated as required. This book is written to help the practitioners in these fields understand the physical science, as well as to serve as a basic tool for physics students who intend working as medical radiation physicists in these clinical fields. It is the authors’ hope that students and practitioners alike will find the fifth edition of The Physics of Radiology lucid and straightforward.